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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point


    Neutral. I've seen you just once, today. You asked me to look at your application. Get better known and become active on our servers with staff. You'll get vouches then.
  4. 1 point

    A Report On A Mod.

    Pretty cut and dry if you ask me. AngryBird, I suggest you learn to calm it down. You're lucky Rogue_Skittle is so lenient about things like this. Had it been me, you'd have received a minimum of a day ban for the sass. There's no need for so many warnings. Settle it the first time it's an issue. Rogue, good job on keeping a level head. Commendable that you did so without losing your cool. Not too many mods act with such maturity. You weren't in the wrong here in the least. Thread will be closed. Any further issues and further punishments will be administered. PLEASE do try and act like a level-headed human being, alright? We have to deal with a lot of nonsense day in and day out. One less nonsense is very much appreciated.
  5. 1 point

    A Report On A Mod.

    Sounds to me like you're upset because one of our mods took action against you for breaking one of our server rules. Yeah, this isn't daycare. This isn't "First one to tattle is deemed in the right." If you're at fault over something, and you try and flip it around and present a nonexistent issue, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it and find out what's really happening. I have it from a close authority that you want this thread closed. That isn't happening. I'm going to hear what Rogue_Skittle has to say on the subject at hand, and depending on the severity of YOUR actions, consequences may follow. I don't take too kindly to others trying to cover their ass while they throw someone else under the bus for doing their job. That's a shitty thing to do.
  6. 1 point

    [xg] Jolteon

    lmao f*cking pathetic. This is the kind of stuff that makes people get refuse any chance for him to get unbanned. What he should do is acknowledge his mistakes apologize and proceed to heal. Trying to play it off as a tough guy saying "Y-YEAH I DUN CARE WHATEVAH" is just petty and pathetic. lol perm the kid.
  7. 1 point

    [xg] Jolteon

    +1 Scamming shouldn't be tolerable by any means and he admitted to it.
  8. 1 point

    [xg] Jolteon

    Dont beat yourself up. We do pride ourselves in giving anyone here who wants to play a fair chance. As they say, just enough rope to hang themselves with.
  9. 1 point

    The Hachi Amiibo

    Amiibos are lame in general
  10. 0 points

    Stepping Down!

    Ok wow wow and wow. After talking to our glory leaders @Ohstopyou and @kbraszzz I actually decided to keep my position as admin and remain inactive (they said its possible). So far so good! It's a nice friday today, I managed to connect to our surf servers via the console and although i lagged a little bit, it worked. Yes, it worked, for how long? 5 minutes.. until I got kicked off by the VAC system. (No, I am not using hacks whatsoever.) I have no idea how to fix this, the steam support website does not help whatsoever. Does any of you guys know how to fix this? @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects tekage @Kypari @bonfire @whoeverisfamilarwithtf2errors If you know people who could possibly know how to fix this, please tag them! :(
  11. 0 points

    The Hachi Amiibo

    [MEDIA=tumblr]did=8595341cd2b07411b10eee34ff44c01b52addc0e;id=128044938309;key=_86zRATsCTYtG19xEJursA;name=mamahachi[/MEDIA] New one :>
  12. -1 points


    Couldn't you just make a wall of text instead of making multiple posts...
  13. -2 points
    We were arguing about words and if they could be pronounced in multiple ways. Then somebody was like "You cant pronounce strange strangeh!!!" and strangeh was born. Spread the word,strangeh v.s strange. #strangeh_v.s_strange
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