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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Remove Machine Slapping from FF2

    If Machine Slapping is removed, we might as well remove the entire PlayPoints plugin. The majority of the powerups have either been removed or nerfed to a point where they're useless. If anything, we just need a replacement for what is an old, buggy, unsupported plugin
  2. 1 point

    Remove Machine Slapping from FF2

    This perk makes FF2 as a boss really unfun. Only 22/51 of the bosses can counter it.
  3. 1 point

    Sucy the Mushroom

    I see on the log that he has received two hour long bans and one day ban. A week minimum, two weeks maximum would personally be my choice. You really shouldn't try to justify the multiple mutes as the requirement for a lengthy ban. You muted the person, you had chances to ban that person, and you still chose to mute him? I could understand muting him a couple times, but why mute him seventeen times? It doesn't seem like people are using their head to make a rational decision. Then realistically, there should be a decision on the right way to handle this situation before Sucy receives a potential punishment. Because regardless the context of what he has done, he should receive a fair punishment just like future rule breakers. This needs to be a black and white area, not a gray area. Mega, I can see what you mean about just keeping him muted, however I believe it'd be best to keep Sucy off of the server. There could be a possibility that Sucy himself could be harassed by other players for what has done, and I wouldn't want that on anyone. Especially since xG doesn't want to condone harassment to realistically anyone. Lastly, we all have opinions on matters. Just because (not speaking for Sucy) someone doesn't like something and is verbal about it, don't take it to heart (to an extent). I don't like the whole furry idea, but I'm sure plenty of people don't like the whole weeb idea. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have issues, but perfection isn't literal. It's subjective.
  4. 1 point

    Sucy the Mushroom

    Ok...where to even begin.... I've tried to bring up and help clarify this issue a few times now and staff should have a more clear understanding towards this subject matter, but this is not what this thread is about so I will leave it at there will hopefully be a more solid response to this soon (though probably not much different then what most people have already heard). The keyword here is "if", because they were not bans and it's entirely unfair for us to retroactively decide to treat them as if they were. Doing so would lead to the potential of all sorts of ambiguity of punishing people to a greater extent because of theoretical punishments as apposed to an actual history and should be strongly avoided because of that. There's a reason a system exists for bans and there is a reason we should follow it as opposed to just skipping parts because of what "could" have been. You could argue that the mutes in question should have been bans (even then that's excluding the fact that no kick was present in between in either case) but that isn't something that should be faulted on someone who was punished, and instead is attributed as a mistake on the part of us as staff which isn't something he should be punished further on account of. What good is server population if the server is full of people who are rampantly toxic and actively make the place worse for everyone? There is a reason we punish people for this kind of behavior, simply put we don't want people like this on our servers. Just settling on perm silencing people doesn't help either for two reasons as I see it. One, in a number of cases this isn't going to change the persons behavior at all (such as how being muted has had no effect on how sucy behaves) and likely would just get them to continue to cause problems in other ways, with the punishment not having any real effect on fixing the problem in the long run. The other reason is that as I see it the servers are a very social place for most people, so not having the ability to interact socially when on the servers would defeat the purpose for most people to join in the first place, so the result would be no different then having banned them. So, all that said i'm absolutely in favor of issuing a ban due to the continued toxic behavior and will advocate for a week ban as that's the next step for him. If he works his way up to a perm then let him climb the ladder each step of the way with the opportunity to stop before it reaches that point just as almost every single other person who gets banned goes through. Despite me wanting a week ban I will say now because of his extensive history and notoriety I wouldn't exactly fight against him getting a month ban if other higher ups decide to go with that, but am not going to push it myself and would rather stick to how things work. (lastly sorry if this is hard to follow or messed up in any sense, tired as fuck)
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