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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. i was a fucking god at aqw i found my password
  2. Thunder


    https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8371354 Name: Parallax Mode: Standard 5-7* Mouse and keyboard 3140pp Top Play: 211pp on this https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/325158#osu/735272 mania is bad :))
  3. Thunder


    yeah hes a pretty nice guy +1 A: 6 M: 6 i hope you like mediocre numbers ?
  4. congrats @BonfireCentiped for getting CL!
  5. +1 The only reason i'm +1'ing this is because of crouch areas in maps where if you get a short circuit engineer to stun him so he cant move then get a huntsman sniper to walk up and taunt your win is guaranteed. The only way out of these stunlocks are rages that do damage to people around the boss.
  6. This perk makes FF2 as a boss really unfun. Only 22/51 of the bosses can counter it.
  7. KuntyKweens or Kokiri aren't destroyed at all lol Kokiri has all of their shit in a vault really far down and Kunty already moved everything into a different base America is still the worst one!
  8. +1 for just cause 3 division
  9. Pyro gets a jetpack. I do not want this update anymore.
  10. I mean if he got banned on another account for hacking im just going to -1
  11. all im doing is being a dude in a black suit with a huge cardboard reflector i wish to be the cancer
  12. towny gets boring once you actually finish the game but factions stays for a much longer time because it is competitive. just gonna copy paste this from the other thread To fix the problem of "New factions aren't going to be able to do anything because they would get murdered by the bigger ones!" Maybe there could be a command that leaders of the factions could do that could switch them from "passive" to "hostile" at a price meaning that if you are passive people can't conquer you and you can't conquer others and hostile being just a switch around of that and you need to pay some credits to switch between the 2?