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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. I do!!! I need to find more stuff to link to it!
  2. I banned you since I told all T's if they knifed me they would get perma-banned. I was adding spawns. This is critical since players were unable to spawn. You knowingly killed me and this is why you got banned.
  3. Rhododendron

    Bad news

    NOOOOOOOOO!!! Cmon it's been like 7 months!
  4. Well you did the right thing, but remember, whoever can explain them best in the least amount of words win. They must have perfect english!
  5. Alright, we need people to write up a description for each Last Request on the Jailbreak server. We need them to be 3 sentences or less. Do not copy any descriptions from the rules. Doing so will result in a disqualification. The winner gets a hat pack of their choosing and a secret prize!!!
  6. Rhododendron


    How about an extension that uses human psychology to read a players voice and see if they are in distress, too young, or unable to speak english. Send me ~$1000 dollars and I assure we can get something like this! Ehh this would break the freedom there is on our servers so I really don't think this would be a good idea but if we get a full member list linked to a database then this would be completely possible :D. Maybe in a few months but this isn't a top priority for us.
  7. Change your router DNS. Very easy! Google's public DNS is and Public DNS | Google Developers
  8. [ATTACH]329.vB[/ATTACH] 10character
  9. That sucks :( Good luck with school!
  10. Sweet! We could rule the rosters!!!
  11. Rhododendron


    xenogamers.com/facesmashtogetarandomflash It will cycle through a bunch of SWFs and every time you reload the page it will load a different one. If you want an SWF included post it here! Now, back to working on Xeno Gamers!
  12. well for starters, I changed the member submission requirements by making it so you need 10 vouches.
  13. Think about it like this: the school year is starting so good students won't be active anyway. Also if you mention Colour he went out with a bang, admin abusing and trolling other members and then saying WE are inmature. Over the past 3 months it seems people have left the clan rather than making a thread about all our problems and some suggestions on how to fix them. Don't leave since that keeps the problems apparent in the clan ;)
  14. Wasn't Colour the guy who was renaming himself and trolling other players which resulted in him getting banned by another admin?
  15. [ATTACH]316.vB[/ATTACH] Baked Butter :P 10char
  16. Wat? Who said we are having a council meeting that day and time?
  17. Promotions and Demotions - Week 21 Member Promotions Xavien21 - Member to CSS Moderator Poncher - Member to CSS Moderator Korean - Member to CSS Moderator Dist7action - Member to CSS Moderator Admin Promotions Mad_Scientist - CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Admin Demotions Duckii Jr. - CSS Admin to CSS Moderator Vero - CSS Admin to CSS Moderator Member Demotions Soiarn Be active n' stuff! Post your Steam ID within 48 hours or lose your promotion!
  18. Errr no lol. I will try and fix it in a bit!
  19. Eh I extracted the map. He did optimise it somewhat but there are some issues like the cave and as someone stated the skybox. I really don't wanna spend the time fixing this but I might just do it today.
  20. Rhododendron

    New tag

    I rather not confuse new players with a ranking system. :P
  21. Alright all the servers are up :P Including WarioWare. Xeno Gamers
  22. Eh, I'm making 3 servers. Prop Hunt, CTF Rotation, and either Surf or WarioWare.
  23. What? We are NOT selling the hats! If you donate you get a free hat pack of your choosing ;)
  24. Alright check the donate page. :P