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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. " " " " >Never tell your password to anyone. Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: hey [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: hi Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: are you the owner of xg [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ya Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: so do you know how to set up websites [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ya Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like.net [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ? Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like i gotta website psychopathicgamers.net Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: and Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like would you know how to set that up [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: well first [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you are using an illegal version of vbullein [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im reporting right now [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: secondly [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: google it [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: there are tons of tutorials Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: how am i using an illegal i didnt set it up [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: so you ARE using an illegal version Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: how Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: idk i didnt set it up [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: vbulletin is $300 [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: dont steal Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: we payed 300 Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: my dad did [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i lied [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: its not $300 [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :P Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: yea it was Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: naw he said it was 225 250 [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: send me a reciept [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: to prove it Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? how do i do thata [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :/ are you twelve? they email you a reciept Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no im 14 and my dad sets up websites for a living the vbullein or w.e was takin outta his paycheck from his company [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: where does he work? Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: otta my house [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: whats the name of the business [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and show me some websites he made Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: he makes them for people that ask him to make them ok now [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] off [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] get a [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]ing life [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i might wanna hire him. send me some examples of his work Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: yea ok Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: stfu [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] you [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: he sounds like a nice guy [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: nice kid too Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: we paid for that now get over it that you cant afford that stuff [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: xenogamers.com [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: we CAN afford that stuff Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lol free bulletin lol i can afford that 2 [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: 3:Dylan-USMC:0855e00799c6d0ad64474c514e138033:[email protected] [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you DID torrent it [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: bud [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :/ Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? what Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what does that mean [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: those are your pw'sd [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: if you owned vbulletin [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i wouldnt be able to do that [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: now fess up Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: to what bro Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: stealing [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and lying [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and let me hire your dad Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: he dont want you [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: then im calling the police Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: for what?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: STEALING SOFTWARE [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ITS A CRIME [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i think [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEHA [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEAH [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEAH [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: IT IS Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok how am i [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you didnt buy it [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: its a crime to download it illegally [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: are you dumb/? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: this is serious! Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: prove i did it [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: k sec [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: HAHHAHAHA YOU'RE DELETING THE FILES [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: I TOOK A SCREENSHOT Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im SO busting you! Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: wtf are you tslking about bro are you high?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: http://screenshotuploader.com/s/9dwJIIDWc0 Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: talking* [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :P im sending this to the vbi Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: vbi Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: vbulletin infrastructure Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: have fun cuz that dont prove anything [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: oh yes it does [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: oh look, they repplied back! [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: they are contacting your domain provider Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ohh yaya what ok cool Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont care Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: prove i did it [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ah they sent me ur info Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: good luck winning that one my domain provider my uncle is the ceo [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: N/A dylan butler ([email protected]) 20756 S. river rd. shorewood Illinois,60404 US Tel. +1.8155141179 Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lol thats not me lol Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: thats my bro [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: dylan is in your name [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and on the website [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: liar! [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: say you lied and ill call off the dogs! [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you have 30 seconds Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok look i didnt set up the website. in pg there is this called bobby his dad set it up Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i have no idea im only 14 Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont know how to do that kinda stuff [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: alright i believe you [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im posting info [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: unless [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: send me a photo of you holding up a piece of paper that says I heart silence Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what does a pic have to do wid anything [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you have 2 minutes [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: make it fast Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont have a camera?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: webcame, cellphone Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: dude im only 14 [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: cellphone Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no and no Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: dont got one [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: use a siblings [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: or parents Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: im only child and my parents are sleeping [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: get their phone they wont see Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: its in there room there door is closed they would hear me [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im posting this [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] then [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: have fun ^^ Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]?? [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: your address [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: passwords Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: theres nothing to prove Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what adress and what passwords Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: 1 sec let me call my uncle hes an fbi agent 1 sec Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: brb [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: sweet [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ill tell him you downloaded illegal software [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and then lied [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: thats like 15 years in prison Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lmao he told me to tell you to get a life your wasting your time. if you cant prove it then you cant do anything [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: kk i posted the info Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: whooptie [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]ing do Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: do you have proof i downloaded it?? Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no thats what i thought [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: it was on your website registered to you, so even if u didnt put it there, its your fault [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: read the law [xG] Silence [mUSIC]: LAW Needless to say, I wasn't getting anywhere so I split and went to youtube to post this: Totally Original huh?
  2. Mods may be in school but LEADERS ARE NOT!!!
  3. Rhododendron

    so yah!

    Sounds like a great girl. Go for it and let none stop you!!!
  4. Fixed. Thanks for not posting in the right section :/
  5. Rhododendron

    Me IRL

  6. Rhododendron

    Me IRL

    [ATTACH]395.vB[/ATTACH] Resemblance? I THINK SO!!!
  8. Make sure the cell room is big enough so that there is tons of room for the CT's to control the T's. Send me the map source if you wanna collab on it. I an a great critic and can help with cubemaps and such.
  9. I don't think they will ban ya. 3 million keys were leaked and hundreds are flooding steam support with the same message. I consider it completely unprofessional to ban that many players since many are getting scammed.
  10. Yeah I activated one. I contacted steam support. Hopefully they will help since I have ~$1000 worth of games D: . This is ridiculous.
  11. Rhododendron


    First person to get xG tattoo'd on themselves becomes supreme overlord of xG.
  12. Griefing is allowed. It's kinda like, fun and keeps the gameplay fresh rather than building and getting bored. Destruction is necessary to keep the players active.
  13. GASP!!! I thought that was someone else.
  14. 20characters fasdsadffdsafsafdsasdaf ♥♥♥♥
  15. Rhododendron

    100% men

    Why did Duckii have to leave?!?!??! WHYYY!?!?!?!?!
  16. "]Robot Chicken - Farting and Retards
  17. Not until vBulletin 4.1.6 comes out. A new mobile style will be included :D
  18. Alright, I'll edit the map when I get home on Saturday and make it more balanced. Should take me 2 hours :P. Closed.
  19. OHHHHhohhohoho yeah that's easy. I'll do it in an hour.