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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Alright put it like this. Which game were you playing longer? MW2 or BC2? :PPPP
  2. You guys need to get your facts straight lol. Gameplay is the same with new weapons and stuff so I consider it an expansion. And yes, I was wrong about the engine but the graphics aren't a big leap for the series so who can blame me :P
  3. No BF3 is using the same engine as BC2. Nothing new there :/ Shadows still look as crappy as ever!
  4. Neither since they will both suck. They are both way to similar to the previous released titles. They are just expansions and YES SERBIAN BF3 IS AN EXPANSION OF BC2 :P You can't deny it they look the same and the similarities are scarce. Plus it has all the same gameplay problems BC2 had (according to my time with alpha).
  5. I'll set it so donators are immune. :P
  6. You don't have to do it. Getting your mom to do it get's you extra points!
  7. "The graphics are crap, I'll stick with CS 1.6!"
  8. Give me a 2048x2048 copy of that and I'll make it happen!!! lol
  9. Rhododendron


    Let's make some awesome t-shirts since you can never have too many of em! Post any designs and keep in mind you need consent from the creators of any fonts you use or else we get sued or something! So either check if the font is allowed to be used commercially or ask the creator for permission! [ATTACH]350.vB[/ATTACH] Here is mine. If anyone want's to mess with it ask for the PSD :D
  10. Rhododendron


    Want To Get Unbanned?
  11. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  12. <br>After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! <br>Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. <br>Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. <br>If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. <br>Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  13. My parents are sending me to live with my grandparents for 2 weeks. I will stow away my laptop but don't expect me to be too active. I will only supply bug fixes during that time. I hope I don't smell like old people when I get back D:
  14. Funny, those 14 year olds never asked for moderator. Maybe that's why they deserved it so much.
  15. AND KNOW THE REAL REASON FOR LEAVING THE CLAN: *Drumroll* KA-CHOW!!! Ouch man, although I understand what you're doing I wish you wouldn't follow communism!
  16. I just checked them. They are either too small, narrow, or horribly optimized.
  17. LWC is chest and door protection :D
  18. It is pretty much a survival server but we are doing that so we can gain any ideas to expand it to reach everyones satisfaction. LWC and MCMMO are on it.
  19. We need to get them populated! I am looking for a crap load of mods and admins to be the bosses of the servers. If you want to apply post your Minecraft username. If you have any suggestions for them post them here!
  20. Alright, we have released 2 new Minecraft servers! In order to make them populated we need 10 new mods and admins! If you want to be able to have a heads start on the server post your Minecraft Username here! The first server is located at mc.xenogamers.com. It is a survival server where griefing is encouraged and you are rewarded for it! The second server is located at c.xenogamers.com. It is a creative server where you can build structures that are larger than life! Be sure to post your Minecraft username to gain mod or admin!
  21. Make a xG logo that doesn't suck!
  22. Rhododendron

    I need help!

    Just wait, it goes on sale like every 2 months for 5 dollars.
  23. Alright, new things to Xeno Gamers! First, we have released our TF2 division in order to spread the popularity of Xeno Gamers. Try to populate the servers. Next, the servers have been crashing so I am going to start moving some to a new VPS in order to make sure everything is stable. It is more likely bad plugins but you never know ;) Finally, there have been chargebacks while donating which has seriously hurt Xeno Gamers. We are in $110 of debt so that is why there is an increase of money we need this month. Apparently this is because credit card companies think we are scamming people since they are small payments of $10 multiple times in some cases making people think we are l33t scammers. If you issue a charge-back you WILL lose donation privileges so please, don't issue them! Alright, remember to be active on the website and teamspeak!