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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Rhododendron

    Post here!

    I'm testing something, post here for maximum points!!!
  2. Are you guys serious? Look at the top right... It says LIKE FACEBOOK. ---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ---------- Ohh you mean for every thread! Yeah, I'll do that right now. ---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ---------- There. Happy?
  3. After careful examination we have decided to unban you. Please do not break the rules again or you may not get unbanned again!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlYZrryd1NA&NR=1 Watch out!!!
  6. Probably since this forum isn't exactly insanely popular.
  7. What if we got you expelled? Would you have more time for xG?
  8. Ok but I mean, the improved biomes would really make it a great idea to start completely fresh. A new world would run better too :D
  9. Should we start fresh to utilize all new features that will be coming with 1.8? I mean I don't wanna miss out on anything!
  10. HAHA only nerds know what a usb port is!
  11. http://r.xenogamers.com Test your skills our here :P
  12. Sir, you now people can create sourcemod plugins right? So there is no way they created their own plugin? That plugin DOES NOT run on sourcemod, it only runs on AMX MOD. Plenty of servers have coded their own drugs plugin. I choose to not use one because it modifies the gameplay to severely making it annoying for other players.
  13. I think it's one of the hats that keeps crashing the server so I disabled the hats plugin and added a notice to capture when the server crashes. If it stops crashing we found the problem :P
  14. That is for AMX MOD which only runs on the goldsrc engine (half-life 1 and cs) You need to check under Sourcemod. That is what everyone uses for plugins on the source engine.
  15. Remember, all the little kids are leaving jailbreak since summer is over. Expect by September for the jailbreak server to have 35% less minors :D
  16. Can't do that. Would require a lot of rewriting of the script.
  17. You donate for a hat pack and you get immune to ping kicker, no ads, reserved slots, trails, and hats. It's only $10 and that's not a reoccuring payment. I consider that a damn good deal and it helps to support the costs of the servers. Go to https://xenogamers.com/donate.php
  18. Hey, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. People with high pings load the server causing others to lag with them. I do NOT encourage colateral damage so even if I increase server performance (which I really can't until Intel comes out with a faster processor) it won't solve this issue. Deal with your ping or donate.
  19. ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ test!
  20. The maximum ping allowed is 250.