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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean


    voice.xenogamers.com (:
  2. Lol we've been on the TF2 servers every day last 3 days, trying to populate. I even posted a broadcast, so plz don't say untrue things. It is sad to see you go, and do understand why you are leaving, but plz do not say things you are 100% sure about, very disrespectful especially after how many hours i stay on trying to get randoms to join
  3. WHAT A TROLL ^ actually I did say that, but I didn't wanna post. Anyways, don't leave ya bum, if you made friends, then people obviously like you. Don't start or continue flame wars with people, and be the bigger person. PLUS you just joined so why would you leave? -1 ? oh wait I can't vouch. DAMN IT
  4. ALL TERRIBLE IDEAS! Don't quit your day job guys. No custom freedays for now plz, especially something like "T's are allowed to hold guns" that's just dumb, especially in our server of 50+ rofl.
  5. THIS WAS THE DUMBEST THREAD I'VE EVER SEEN! And trust me... you should see the threads rabid made a long time ago. Stop the flame wars, (MAINLY YOU SAKURAI) or you will all get banned. ~Closed
  6. Xavien wanted this post because I told him in my opinion it was not a fair ban, he had not believed me. He wanted our communities opinion as I was apparently thought of being wrong and not thinking of the clan. Anyways, he now apologized so I can close this. ~Closed
  7. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  8. Closing this. If you guys have proof, then just open another thread about him but +1ing something with no proof does nothing. ~Closed
  9. Aegean


    Yeah just keep posting, who cares. ON A REAL NOTE, I do agree with what you guys are saying, and it's sorry to say but Rexx you are kicked out of xG for a week. You are not banned from the servers or forums, but you are on probation so you will be carefully watched. ~Closed
  10. Aegean

    neteX > Jessica

    He already got banned. For the duration of it totally depends on quarantine. ~Closed
  11. you should just screenshot (pressing the printscreen button) and then paste it to paint, then post on forums.
  12. Aegean


    This isn't rabid... and bye Lissa ! Tty soon perhaps
  13. Alright so the first 3 people should be ct banned for a week if they are on again. Slypanda will be server banned perm. ~Closed
  14. Aegean


    After careful examination we have decided that your ban request was sufficient enough to allow us to ban this player. Thank you for taking the time to report this rule breaker! Alrighty CT ban him for a week when you guys see him online. ~Closed
  15. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  16. Aegean

    August 26th, 2011

    We did have a payload server, no one ever went on, and suggested 3 other servers (which is what we have now)
  17. I already unbanned him since it was apparently supposed to be 10 minutes. Admin ♥♥♥♥ is glitched and there is no way to prove that he meant a perm ban, and not just 10 minutes. Please next time use proper format, and bring proof (screenshot or video) ~Closed
  18. After careful examination we have decided to not unban you. This could have been from numerous reason such as having a ban record, failing to submit valid information or lying about the specific details related to your ban. You will not be unbanned. Please try again in a couple of weeks
  19. Rexx, do not disrespect slippery for something he is doing with an obvious good intention. You will be banned from forums if you continue. If you see that he is trolling or something, post on the forums with proof. If not, stop talking in this manner because it is not respected in our community.
  20. Alrighty CT ban him for a week please, and make sure he reads over MOTD. ~Closed
  21. Aegean


    Buttery I told you we don't like when people give recommendations for mods, if they aren't a staff member themselves. Anyways i'm closing this as this is just leading to a big flame war and what not. If you want to be a mod and think you earn mod, talk to an admin or mod to talk to silence or I, we don't accept people agreeing that someone should get mod over the forums, cuz unneccesary things are always said ^. ~Closed