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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. You just contradicted yourself. If you say porn sprays should be allowed, then ALL porn sprays should be allowed. You blatantly demonstrate the reason why we ban them in the first place. People can get offended at the glimpse of boobs. People can get offended by 2GOC.
  2. And to make the 10th vouch, I shall +1 you. I may not see you in the servers, but your attitude is really great. I really think regardless of time as a member, you can represent this community well.
  3. I know you are all thinking about Halloween right now, but I am acknowledging Veteran's Day here in the US a lot more, mostly because I had a lot of family serve in the military. So post any war stories, anything you are doing in the military, or about anyone you know in the military. I am going to share some stories that I shared a while back for you newer members or for whoever didn't see them. Ok, there are a couple of rules to this thread. Be respectful of ANY army, from any country, from any alliance. Be respectful of what happened, sometimes things are miraculous, but they may seem ********tish. Don't troll, being part of the military is not any normal civilian job, and we should be respectful of those in it. If you can't, then please do not post. Don't ask stupid questions (you'll know what they are) No derailing, being stupid, etc etc. Responding to the stories is appropriate. If this thread offends anyone, I apologize in advance and please discuss it with me through PM, not ranting in the thread. So I'll start, I have two actually. Albert Notley The first part I ever heard about him in the military is being part of a tank crew in Vietnam. He was riding through with his buddies in the jungle, and he decided to go down into the tank because one of them was getting a bit cramped up down there. So he went down into the tank and the other guy went up to man the tank's machine gun. His buddies were staying on the outside of it I think. Well, anyway, they continued into the forest, and they got hit with a chemical weapons. My grandpa, Albert, saw all of his buddies die a slow and painful death RIGHT in front of him. He managed to survive without even the most minor of injuries physically. He headed back and decided he wanted to be a sharpshooter instead, due to not wanting that to happen ever again. So he was a sharpshooter, and he was a GREAT one at that. About half a year (unsure of) after the incident, he got selected to go on a mission that in this case was basically considered 'black operations'. He was supposed to go on a series of assassinations with his fellow sharpshooters and take out several targets. Civilians were targeted due to women and children armed with grenades and would explode as a soldier got close to them. You know what the worst part of the mission was? He wasn't supposed to finish it... The counts were gruesome: 100 enemy targets dead (assassination targets, guards, soldiers, etc) Unknown civilian kills (would have been a MUCH larger number than you expect) Friendly casualties? All dead except for him. And he came back from all of that. He was severely affected by it mentally, and he committed suicide from a heroine overuse a few months later after returning from Vietnam. It was to live up to his promise and was extremely traumatic. It's all in my aunt's poetry. Her name is Alice Notley if you wanna look up the actual poem. I got some great sharpshooting skills from him naturally. I shot guns out in the desert back in January, and I almost always hit near or on the bullseye. He had all sorts of guns, like Uzis, AKs, M16s, grenades, German WW2 weapons, etc. Enemy uniforms and their accessories were there too. I have a Nazi pocket knife once belonging to an officer in the Nazi army, that came right from him. I really wish sometimes I got to meet him. He seemed like an amazing guy. He is one of the main reasons I respect my military. He died when my mom was like, 2 or 4. 'Uncle Bill' This one is a lot shorter and don't have much information on. He was in World War II and he fought the war in Germany. During one battle, he got shot in the head THROUGH his ironsights and survived. He got thrown into a pile of bodies and then later got up and said: "Hey, what can a soldier get to eat around here?" Some miracle, right? Heard he got put in the hospital for a REALLY long time. He didn't die from it though. He got the Medal of Honor I believe...very rare considering only 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers ever received it.
  4. Otherworldly

    Resign as mod?

    Aegean said you did everything right and it was totally justified. Why do you believe you really need to quit when you were doing the RIGHT thing?
  5. Otherworldly


    It better have great mods and not be a console port.
  6. Please make a cell in my name :3
  7. I realize that. I am just saying it might be useful 'next time' if you want to use a ban request or another admin abuse. I understand your situation. And yes, it is the selective situation. My bad. BTW 900th post.
  8. He was called names, he insulted you back. RoSSer antagonized him, he insulted back. So why don't either of you have a ban request for the same reason you are placing one? (refering to the Mod submission thread)
  9. I understand that you feel singled out, but please try to back up your second statement next time: "Many people were saying terrible, unjust things such as '♥♥♥♥♥♥', '♥♥♥♥ niggers', and '♥♥♥♥ these stupid niggers get them off my lawn I just want my money and ♥♥♥♥♥es'." I realize the situation. But EZ-Kill shouldn't be stripped of his admin. I think the matter here is that NO racism should be tolerated at all. Honey Badger was racist but was not banned.
  10. inb4 I get insulted. -1
  11. That's what she said!
  12. Learn to read the whole thread first. You CANNOT downvote someone for age if they are above 13.
  13. He won't get rid of SlideRace. Ever. It was the first xG server and he is still attached to it.
  14. Ah-em, excuse me. WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥?! GET BACK IN BROSKI! +1 +1 +1 +1
  15. Agreed. One mistake can cause a chain reaction that is very unneeded.
  16. Glad to see you back on the forums brosof. I missed ya :3
  17. Like I said, I just want CoD to make something else. BF3 has a different style, battles are more massive, etc. I honestly think those are minor things, but I see a TOTALLY different game which required me to learn from scratch and little knowledge from previous games then get used to this game. I agree with you when you say they aren't comparable. They aren't. BTW The Beta was a 4 month old build. Game runs a lot smoother now, and I am not just BS'ng. I can run high now with a dual core AND a GTX 460
  18. You do remember that people are ranked because they are trusted? They are trusted because they are an active, willing, helpful, and good part of our community. This is why they get moderator. This is why we have moderator applications, to see if we can potentially trust this person in mind.
  19. Eh, he has made a promise. As with all community randoms and members, I give you the benefit of the doubt for the first, and last, time. [+1]because i said so.[/+1]
  20. ._. @Scarecrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0
  21. i just want BF3 to outsell CoD so CoD can make something that I don't know how to play. I went through CoD4, MW2, and BLOps and applied those same skills I already knew, which is terrible IMO. And BF3 is harder to get used to because it's a whole other dynamic system of gameplay. I don't hate CoD...I just think that adding a couple of new things to the game...is really a ripoff for $60...
  22. I finished in six hours. Non-stop. I do not understand how you did it so fast.