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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. I thought Billy liked having sex with me.
  2. I think this little incident has caused some unneeded drama. I believe we need to look past emotions here and look at rational thinking. Remember kids, no biased feelings!
  3. Otherworldly

    Im back

    Welcome back my smokeh boy. I actually missed you.
  4. two things one. you asked for mod pubically while not using a submission. another things is that a lot more people deserve forum mod in the same case as yours.
  5. I would like to take the time to say that this man was a great one. He has brought many great innovations into this world, and I will always appreciate every bit of technology he has created. RIP Steve Jobs, an inspiration to some, a mentor to others, and a hero of technology to many.
  6. I have to disagree with the Camping rule when it applies to Ts. It is the CTs job to find rebellers, and if they cannot successfully complete that, then it is the CTs fault. Ts have two jobs. They can listen or defy. It's THEIR choice, and camping comes along with defiance. HOWEVER, +1 to everything else.
  7. 3DS is an overrated piece of ♥♥♥♥. A TV will last MUCH longer.
  8. Otherworldly


    Directly from the Admin Handbook "Chat Spam Chat spamming will only result in a gag. If they continue after the map changes, that is a PERMANENT ban. Anything above or below is breaking the rules." Therefore, it should have been a kick by reasoning, and then if he rejoined and did it again, ban him for an hour. If you didn't want to do that, wait till the map changes, and then you can hit him with the permanent ban.
  9. could have just removed files then put them back. or disabled them. but as far as that one incident that occured a month ago where you went into a fit of rage on the creative server, destroyed the jailbreak map, and flew everywhere, i still believe you have hacks.
  10. I'm usually pretty stonehearted when it comes to emotional stuff...but I don't know and I have never felt the pain of losing someone close to me... So this is why I am looking to you guys, since you all come from different walks of life with different advice..
  11. Incase you didn't realize: I was being serious.
  12. I've never had to cope with the death of someone close to me... And unfortunately that time is coming soon for me. I still have great grandparents. 3 to be exact... I just don't know what to do when they are gone. I've grown up 14 years knowing them and loving them...and I really don't know what to feel at that point around when it comes... Any advice for when that time comes around?
  13. Otherworldly


    Will it blend? How did the universe start? Is water alive? Why do bubbles exist? Is there REALLY an iPhone 5? What happened to Aaron Carter?
  14. NO. Trance and synthpop. Dubstep has been out for 20 years but no one realized it existed until now. It's just techno's ugly stepsister who got lots of attention because of an attention whore fairy. PLUS IT'S FROM THE UK!
  15. >long time. It's been maybe a month or two.. And yeah, spam so 0
  16. stop sidetracking the thread. this is a bf3 thread, now gtfo.
  17. Otherworldly


    I had Doritos. WUT NAO BEOTCH.
  18. Going to play in a few. Wish me luck!
  19. It's also my crushes birthday today! Amazing!
  20. Today is the day of the early access to the BF3 beta! Anyone with an access code, add me on Steam! We should liek play together.