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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly


    I am going to say -1 on this because he's only been in for 1-2 months. And the forum spam thing also proved to be another reason.
  2. Yeah the warden plugin was introduced a while back. It proved to be ineffective.
  3. I have my suit, my cases, my confident voice, etc. The only problem is that I am nervous, and even though I know I probably won't win, I just feel unprepared. Even if I had a solid case, great qualities, etc. I still feel like I am going to fail. I'm confident in what I am going to argue, but I lack confidence in preparation. Does anyone else have that equal feeling. SORRY FOR BEING A NOVICE PFD DEBATER...It's my freshman year >.>
  4. Otherworldly


    I can see that, but it's just my personal belief.
  5. Awww shucks :3 DANKS. And go ♥♥♥♥ yourself Micheal.
  6. Otherworldly


    I stand by it. Logically, it's wrong. Cowardly? I have to disagree, but I understand what you mean.
  7. So I have Speech and Debate...and I didn't have a suit...so I got one today! I'm going to my first tourney on Friday! Wish me luck!
  8. Otherworldly


    I fight for my life, friends lives, and my family. If someone is holding me at gunpoint, I'll risk my own to save anyone else. If someone is holding my family at gunpoint, I'll be on them, or make them take myself instead. Never fight for any another reason, IMO. I would never fight for my country, fight for a petty reason, or fight to prove my morals right.
  9. People's Own Ethical/Personal Perspective > A Reasonable, Logical based one. Obviously it isn't always right, and a lot of the time it isn't, but the fact that you made the right decision for yourself at that moment in time shows you have time to care about your own well-being versus your rep in the clan. People build this criteria because they believe they cannot represent xG if they are not active members. This can be true or false, because it's a wide range of opinions from different people. I represent xG as an example of a young member who can be just as mature as a 16 year old. Obviously I DO represent something, but some people can't represent anything without being active. I understand what you are saying 110%, but a more logical path isn't always the right one for every person.
  10. It's the Internet. Morally it's correct, but people abuse the anonymous pleasure you can get from it.
  11. I had one yesterday where a Russian transport was on Atamaca Desert, and I was on the boat at B in conquest. I was freaking out because I couldn't get a trace on it. I got my CG out, planned the rocket, and took out 6/18 members of the team with ONE LUCKY ROCKET. I felt so awesome. I also took out 10 T-90s, 3 enemy helis, and about 4 transports. All by myself c:
  12. I can't ask my girl to homecoming because she is in 8th grade. THEY WON'T LET JUNIOR HIGH KIDS GO TO HOMECOMING. So it makes me sad ;w;
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QfSzgV1q5g&feature=related That's my response in a nutshell
  14. It's as I said it. When you wrote that I thought of jailbreak, but in a deep sense. Your childhood gone as you rot in jail getting shot during FRLR
  15. Sounds like an average day of jailbreak.
  16. Let me tell you a story of cruel heartbreak. I had a crush on this girl. She has some problems with her life, but she is beautiful and funny. I helped her with problems generally, so she could be stable. I was going to ask her but I realized something. She doesn't care for me one bit, and she uses me. Moral of the story: Anyone that you can trust, and love, can be doing it out of pity, or not even care at all.
  17. UPDATE: He's not homophobic. I'm trying to get over him because holding a stupid grudge like that just makes me as bad as him.
  18. Otherworldly


    Poncher. *tsk tsk tsk* And yeah +1
  19. HEY I REMEMBER YOU +1 For past loyalty, dedication, and admiration in the xenogamers clan.
  20. Well, I have been ok. 6th week over really freaking fast and I am getting all As right now. I have all honors classes, and I am shooting for Valedictorian but another conceited dickhead is probably going to get it. Ya know what I'll just rant about it. He is such an inconsiderate douche. He gets good grades, and he thinks he knows 'how to get girls'. I can't remember when he has been able to hold down a relationship for more than a month. He claims to have had sex when pics or it didn't happen and he pulls down his pants in class all the time to show off his obvious cup because it looks like his head is as big as a ♥♥♥♥ing tennis ball. He is on the speech and debate team with me and claims as he is the best debater in LD debate (I am in PFD, so it doesn't matter) when my friends have said that he get's beat all the time in there by other novices. He is also homophobic but is one the gayest acting guys I have ever seen. I hate him with a ♥♥♥♥ing passion and it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ me off he can get away with getting such a high honor but being a total dickwad. The only thing he probably hasn't done is sign the honor's contract so he can't get it, which I am going to sign. Spanish I is easy as hell and I love the teacher. I am ok at Spanish right now but still learning. I LOVE my Honor's English teacher. She is so relaxed and nice in general. We have class discussions and do fun games that surprisingly help me learn things. She says I am great speaker. Honor's Freshmen Geometry is ok. Easy stuff so far. The teacher is Asian, go figure. We goof off for half the class and me and my friend Jakob play Bejewled 2 and see who can get the higher score faster. At lunch I realize how small our school is. We have about maybe 500-700 students out of all four classes, maybe even less. PE is generally ok because my friend Vance and I generally walk around the gym and talk on days we do fitness tests instead of playing basketball with a bunch of whiny faggots who have to have everything perfect and don't give a general consideration. Locker rooms aren't that bad; nobody showers or has to show off their 3 inch penis thankfully. And Biology is easy but I hate the class. It's at the end of the day and I just want to choke a baby so I get all worked up and want to leave. I wouldn't be suprised if I have a bad grade in that class. That teacher is more of a grammar Nazi than my English teacher. Speech and Debate is the only club I am in right now. I am considered the best Novice on the PFD team. I go next weekend for my first tournament, and if I win it means that I am truly good at it, because even a lot of people lost at their first tournament. That's my year so far. Maybe a relationship within the next month or two... Oh and about that poetry contest thing I posted about 3-4 weeks ago, she still hasn't got a notification for those who are wondering. I also do NOT like her like that and I like someone else. No tl;dr for you.
  21. Did we not go over this? This is a simple mistake...
  22. That was me and Vero. And Pony...but he's gone. So respect the elite, fellow bronies, as we suffered to give you your freedays that everyone else got and you didn't. /crappycivilrightsspeechover