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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. jets suck happy birthday <3
  2. I believe that the judgement of some members are not good in vouching for members. Some members blatantly +1 'for teh lulz' constantly and some -1 for 'U FREKILLD MEH' Here is how I see it: Any member that is unbiased, logical, and open minded and has a good sentence structure. All mods or higher Vouching Committe selected by DL or higher Consists of 10-20 people I am not saying our community is full of unlogical kids or anything, but I believe this is a way for us to pinpoint good members of the clan compared to someone who played once and gets like 20 vouches for 'being a good player' when he only played once. People sometimes downvote because they made a mistake, either aware or unaware. We ALL make mistakes but they believe that because they made one or two that they don't deserve to be in the clan. I believe good things outweigh bad things. Would you rather pick to promote someone who worked for you for a day that did really good or pick someone who has dedication and worked for a long time but made a couple of mistakes. I believe some people have gotten in unfairly and some that deserved it have been treated like crap. This is merely an idea, and I would be grateful if it was in action. OH, also, post ideas.
  3. Otherworldly


    horrible thread. any sort of continuation will cause a lot of bullcrap. 0/10
  4. Otherworldly


    Yeah, he's active, and nothing wrong from what I have seen. +1
  5. Correction. Minecraft is coming out as an OFFICIAL game after 11/11/2011 or on that date. 1.8 comes out this week or next week. Pre-release is out already, if you can figure it out. Btw I appreciate you have a love for Fluttershy but I have been the Fluttershy of this clan since Vero was still around, before the Second Mass Exodus (when aegean left, lol) SO ALL FLUTTERSHY RELATED ENTITIES IN THIS CLAN BELONG TO ME! (i'm just kidding do what you want ^-^)
  6. Mods = Most will be broken because of the update. It'll either play out like normal or a huge shitstorm will happen with the coding. Like with all mods, you'll have to reinstall because it's a new .bin file. Maps= Whatever you have already generated will not be affected. This means all chunks you already have explored will not have abandoned mines, ravines, strongholds, etc.
  7. Otherworldly

    Do want

    Health has one. It's a 10 slot one at mc.game.nfoservers.org or .something
  8. I actually didn't. Infact I gave it to my crush so GG.
  9. I am not going to +1 or -1 because recently he has been acting a little overemotional. I know some people become that, but until he chills out...I won't vouche up or down. I love ya man, just chill out though.
  10. Otherworldly

    For you xG!

    ‎99669999996669999996699666699 666999966699666699 996999999996999999996996666 99669966996699666699 996699999999999999966996666996 99666699699666699 996666999999999999666669999666 99666699699666699 996666669999999966666666996666 99666699699666699 996666666699996666666666996666 69966996699666699 996666666669966666666666996666 66999966669999996 1. Select the first two lines 2. Press ctrl + f 3. Press 9
  11. STEAM_0:1:16904283Thanks :DCongrats to all.
  12. Otherworldly

    so yah!

    Personally I found it to be educating me in how we should accept kids with autism as a way to post CP.
  13. Obviously he didn't understand how the application system works and thought it was one of those clans where you just put on the tag. Now are we going to PUNISH him for that if he was unaware? He donated $50, made maybe one or two mistakes... +1 from me because you've all made mistakes.
  14. -1 Logic. I fail to see this thread in it.
  15. Otherworldly

    Bad words

    Thread is invalid. It is not a racist term. We are all human. Every insult made isn't racist...unless it's monkey...lol. I personally do NOT have a problem with the word. If you get OFFENDED BY IT (which NOBODY DOES BECAUSE MORALFGTS ARE MORALFGTS) you shouldn't. It became socially bad because of retarded uptight dickheads.
  16. Otherworldly


    +1 because he is CHARLEHSHEEN
  17. ' mah favorite mexican buddeh <3 He joined back in June, but left afterwards because I left.
  18. He was logical, and although angry, I respected his authority.
  19. Otherworldly


    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3