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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Thanks ^-^ [+1]Will be a valuable assest to our leadership.[/+1]
  2. STEAM_0:1:16904283 Congrats to all, and thanks :)
  3. And it was pretty compelling. It was short, around 6 hours on normal with a few deaths here and there... I have to say, don't buy it for the singleplayer only, but the singleplayer is a good bonus, because we all know the multiplayer is going to be BA. I am going to be a BF3 mod. So anyone playing BF3 add my Origin ID. TheOtherworldly. See ya tomorrow on the battlefield, comrades.
  4. Sorry broski :c Hope things look out on the brighter side towards ya..
  5. Rofl this isn't admin ab00se.
  6. Needs more information. I don't see what you are supplying me as valuable to our clan's leadership.
  7. I have changed my mind [-1]Toooooooooo many chances. Broke a promise. More than likely all members will not be please if unbanned.[/-1]
  8. 64 Conquest or 32 Rush. I think that, if possible, people should get reserved slots for BF3 mods. Matches are automatched, so they can't get in there if it's full. And if you can make it possible to not be automatched, please do. That way we can have more xG players on and we can see more of the community! However, if you want randoms, be my guest! I'm fine either way.
  9. That article was made in 2006... Nobody cares if you get butthurt over the internet. Unless they kill themselves or shoot up a school.
  10. Otherworldly


    [-1]Broke rules then tried to make a stupid chance at humor.[/-1]
  11. You processor is .60 GHz lower than the recommended for the Beta. This is likely due to change for the final release. Recommended requirements for hardware is for Medium settings ingame. Other than that, it's all good!
  12. Origin ID: The Otherworldly Name: Otherworldly Why: I will be playing Battlefield 3 quite often when I get it, and I will love to administrate by getting the retarded baddies out of our server :)
  13. [-1]Way too new to the clan. I know I don't minus one a lot of apps on that, but it's brutally true.[/-1]
  14. I really don't know what to say... I have to +1 him. He has good logic, just his flaming is a little bad. He has a large administration record. BECAUSE YOUR PROS STICK OUT ABOVE YOUR CONS, I +1
  15. It's completely possible. It was able to be done in War3. However, I am not a fan of someone being disguised. There are 3 flaws to this that I already saw. 1) If you use a disguise at the beginning of a round, you are already in a cell. 2) If you spawn in CT spawn, it's pretty much OP. 3) People can look at the player list if it isn't a real CT or not.
  16. wheres the option "I haven't, but I will"
  17. I would have called my hitman already placed nearby. M95 takes his whole arm off that is holding the candy bar as he starts to eat it.
  18. Both FPS games. But different kinds. It's like comparing a large scale vehicular warfare game with squads to a game where you can dominate BY YOURSELF and it's a very small player game.
  19. I will be brutally honest with you. At times you can tick me off, but you usually give a valid argument (while excluding your costant insults, lulz) Like: your extreme logical ability and your IDONTGIVEA♥♥♥♥WHATYOUTHINK attitude. Dislike: Your sometimes very insulting insults (to me at least)
  20. I know how to, it's just the glass randomly broke because based god hates me.
  21. And evil glass broke while doing the dishes today and gave me some deep cuts in my hand. And as a result, a certain based god decided to give his own signature to prove he hates me.
  22. He's attempting to understand why people supposedly 'hate' him. Tbh I love snackbararararara
  23. I would want to submit an application after you become a member. And I mean one or two months afterwards. I know you see some members that leave and comeback and get mod or admin very quickly but that is because we already trust them with their powers.