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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly


    holy ****. I had 400 posts 3 weeks ago it seems.
  2. Otherworldly


    interior crocodile alligator. i drive a chevrolet movie theater. or a horse carriage.
  3. Nobody is getting laid. /thread
  4. Otherworldly


  5. Good in writing. Bad in practice.
  6. I don't want to get demoted but I have been having trouble being active because of people that want me to play and family and friends. I know I have been playing other games but it's been 3 months since I could play some of the games I like due to my video card crapping out and me recently getting a new one. I would like to play tomorrow for my birthday though! I just will be a little less active for I don't know how long, but I am trying!
  7. There is a few flaws with that. If no admins/mods are around, some kid can take Warden and then no one can remove it. That's one. Also, can the !warden command be binded?
  8. Well, it is a perm ban according to the rules. In this sense, he shouldn't have bought the bomb, he should have known he can't freekill, therefore he shouldn't had been a CT if he didn't fully understand the rules. Not necessarily worth a perm because he is trying to apologize. Give him a perm CT ban for a while until he knows rules maybe a bit better, or for quite a while at the most?
  9. You make a good point about Forest Rooftop for sure. Whenever I am a CT, it is VERY hard to maintain power when any T can just hide in it and CTs get screwed REALLY easily.
  10. Yeah, can I come stay in Canada? PLZ.
  11. We have one already. I'm not so sure about Silence making it a division, he might though.
  12. LOL GUIZ BUY MEH SUMTHING UN STYEM. Or not, and you can forget this ever happened *eats the pill*
  13. <3 you and miss you. I hope the gods magically send you down from the heavens a donut.
  14. Otherworldly


    A Fretta server would be cool! What about a TTT server, or would that be part of the Fretta?
  15. I have patriotism for our country and all. (USA) But 75% of people running it/in the country are retarded ._.
  16. Text: The Otherworldly Colors: Blue, Black Images (if any): Something...I guess that is sorta out of this world. Planets, stars, etc. Siggy please :) And to the contrary, no ponies.
  17. A. Because only Silence would do B.
  18. Did I tell you I have a lot of respect for you?
  19. Otherworldly

    Allo chaps.

    Hello Mr. Model.
  20. Since obviously some people don't pay attention to small printing, lemme make this statement to be an important one by making it noticeable: DO NOT POST BAN REQUESTS WITHOUT PROOF OR A VALID REASON These things DON'T count as proof Members being there You being there Because you said so. These things DO count as proof Moderators, Admins, Etc being there Screenshots Demos, videos, etc. I would really like to recommend there should be an consequence for posting an invalid ban request. Not to sound harsh, but it's USLESS to make ban requests without proof. A valid reason would be something that is major and needs to be addressed, like massive freekilling and hacking. An invalid reason is because they freekilled you on accident one time, you shouldn't get mad over it, but you should tell an admin to slay them or for them to slay themselves. And use the proper format. Please. That is another major point.