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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. -snip- Ok I understand, not all kids are immature, but don't make the immediate assumption they are.
  2. He was Rarity. Let's see, July 26th you became Rarity, but even though he was Rarity about a month or two before you...
  3. Good thing Colour left in this case, he would have flipped a **** since he was Rarity.
  4. I am Otherworldly. I left the clans several times for stupid reasons and 14 YAS OL. I have a webbed toe and a 3.9 GPA. Love me?
  5. May I make a direct statement? IF YOU ARGUE, DO NOT TRY TO OFFEND THE PERSON WITH VERBAL ABUSE OR DISRESPECT THEIR INTELLIGENCE. BE LOGICAL AND USE VALID BACKUP, NOT OFFENSIVE TERMS. Don't call them an asspie, point out their mistake. Don't call them slow, they might actually be. Don't shout offensive words at each other to get a reaction, learn a new vocabulary. Don't be a troll to get someone kicked out either. If you people want to stay in the clan, just follow these rules or you have a chance of getting kicked out (not my responsibility)
  6. Well, this seems good. So from now one, we screenshot any trolling or disrespect and they get removed/probated? I must be on a good behavior ._.
  7. I wasn't planning on leaving again anytime soon, but I'm like SRSLY. I shall make a thread after I get back from school today.
  8. Otherworldly

    A Pattern

    >large amount of people leave (myself included) >say 'LOL CLAN SUCKS KTHXBYE' >leader apologizes >people come back over time (myself included) >MORE people are going to leave soon (already 2-3) ._. WHY AFTER I COME BACK THIS HAPPENS?
  10. Lol, it's probably going to make us peasants and we have to prostitute us
  11. -snip- I'll miss you. :)
  12. these have low cholesterol and taste like a normal cookie.
  13. you are failing to see the joke. The original statement is "Islam: If **** happens, take a hostage" I took an ACTUAL PICTURE of the Iranian hostage crisis and put "or two" to add a humorous effect.
  14. I read this 'oh god someone banged their hot sister/cousin' Then I lol'd Then I looked at this post and frowned.
  15. No offense intended to anyone.
  16. Yeah, you have a point. It's not pr0nz if you can't fap to it.
  17. I can obviously see where this goes into play, but it did cause a problem and I do believe that if it is found 'disturbing' to other players it should be removed. However, this was more of an opinionated situation because High Plains did not find it offensive to him (assuming he didn't.). I didn't see any proof of any disrespect as well. Back to the other situation: If I find that if it causes a problem to players, it probably should be removed. This doesn't include little kids who find only partial nudity or something that is perfectly fine to a mature mind a problem. He made a mistake to me it seems like and should be forgiven on this part. If I am missing something here, sorry for any future flaws in this statement.
  18. Walking off to school in 10 minutes. Wish me luck guys.