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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. -1. He is my friend trying to get into a new clan after getting removed from his friends and his old friends don't like him. He is a major, MAJOR ******, and I don't like insulting people.
  2. Otherworldly


    Yes. +112312412412
  3. -1. For talking like Garbage. For micspamming too. +2 for dedication to clan more then other members.
  4. +1 but make sure his immaturity stops if it happens.
  5. Just started seeing you very recently. Play more and I will vouch for you in reapplication.
  6. Why would you KILL FLUTTERSHY!?
  7. Otherworldly

    Not Guilty

    I call bullshat.
  8. If this get's to 1,000,000 views I'll go jump off of a cliff.
  9. Silence lost the list again and Aegean has to get on to give it to Silence. Silence was also sick last night and with his 'problem', he kinda lost it.
  10. I still haven't used that RIFT trial :P
  11. Do you think Vero is a great part of our clan or not? Personally, I think is Vero is great and has been with xG for a long time and is a great admin, but can't do as much recently due to the connection problem to the servers.
  12. First one to post makes the thread topic.