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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. This song basically means to me some girl decides to go whore around after being 'good'. Good on paper, bad in practice!
  2. +1 because he was in here before and was a Lvl. 3 Admin when that system was still in effect. Also played a lot with me :D
  3. Not to continue the argument but I was only putting literal definitions. I hardly use the word, and to be honest it's only society that has a problem with it. Now this means you can with it or against it. It became a WORSE word over time because of society. I don't want to defend racism, I don't use the word, I only put out things that say it.
  4. Otherworldly


    BUY ME MW2 NUBS. kthxbye.
  5. I have had to slay you multiple times for being away from Ts mostly. I have told you this, but maybe learn the MOTD a little better I would recommend. No up or down.
  6. Otherworldly

    My Pc

    Excuse my language. HOW THE HELL DID IT GET HIT BY LIGHTNING?!?!
  7. Otherworldly


    I get mine off in a month. Glad you are getting them now and not later, it's a lot better for you, because you at least got most of highschool with no braceface. Like I do :D
  8. Do want him inside of me. +1
  9. Otherworldly


    >implying thread is about yellow bananas.
  10. The N word isn't actually offensive. It just means black person.
  11. -snip- I'm cutting off the negotiations for reasons ungiven, mostly because of imminent failure and there is no chance.
  12. I read the word Lolsma and I knew I smelt something.
  13. I'm negotiating the situation, well, trying to. I'm getting somewhere. I want this done and over with, because this is a stupid thing to be sitting here and trolling/DDoSing/etc. about.
  14. To be honest, I don't believe that is the case.
  15. ...sorta.. But still, I really would like to know before we have some sort of stupid dramatic war that will forever be inscribed in history. "Why are we attacking* HG" sorry.
  16. These are the adjectives of the Latin word "Niger" Translated from Latin to English BLACK DARK PITCH-BLACK SWARTHY PITCH-DARK DUSKY UNLUCKY BAD WICKED DISMAL ILL-OMENED
  17. *sigh* I can go in there and HOPEFULLY clean up. I'm on call to do any chores my mom says because we have a relative coming over and we need to SPARKLE the house, so I may not respond.
  18. Do like. Do want his sexy taco. +1
  19. Sticky this and rate it. Someone who FINALLY understands.
  20. Make a Fluttershy one with my name :D
  21. Let us see your .minecraft folder?
  22. Welcome to random, where I can say whatever the hell I want. And it's completely relevant.