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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. As Justin Bieber would say, it's an opinion, and an opinion cannot be proven right or wrong, but it's mine. So say what you say because I know quite a few will agree.
  2. Stop gravedigging threads. Seriously. How retarded do you think we are to know you are like this: Nobody likes it, and this will eventually mean nobody will like you. God knows when you make shitposts so this will eventually lead to your e-peen getting smaller to 'notexistingeveragain' And no, you probably won't get promoted either. So, why even make the posts? You'll just keep getting banned from the servers anyway because you just can't sit down and listen. So I leave you with this my foreign-blind-retarded-shorttermmemory fellow forum member /endrage
  3. Otherworldly

    Lucky Fella!

    Yeah, the guy right infront of Rarity is pretty lucky.
  4. Otherworldly


    -1 no proof. People need to get proof, all the time.
  5. You guys are arguing like school girls.
  6. like i said before. nobody will miss you and nobody missed you.
  7. Yes +500. That says something because, I am not even in xG!
  8. It's ok. Could be potentially good... /gravedig
  9. Then you are a douchebag, JustinBieber. /opinion
  10. Otherworldly

    Hey All

    English is one block, and Writing is another block.
  11. Otherworldly

    Hey All

    I lurk. Only on Wednesdays.
  12. Otherworldly

    Hey All

    I wanna tell you hi. No I am not rejoining the clan or being super duper active like I always was. I'm glad XenoGamers was going in the right direction. It just needed the right people (not me). Silence apologized, I know, but I just wanna say hi to everyone. I'll be starting highschool August 8th ;) It's going to be fun. I got Geometry, Honor's English/Writing, Biology, PE, and Spanish. Sorry Arthman, but Spanish is way better around here.
  13. I am lost in the conversation. I must suicide.
  14. Otherworldly


    July 11th, 1997.
  15. /trollface 3rd degree. I can't tell you guys about the gameplay or they will terminate my trial. During a status reset, I for some reason became a Battlefield Veteran, a very nice status for future promotions, and got an invite last night.
  16. Just came on to say I got a legit code. I am dling and going to play.
  17. ^No. And good luck man, hope all goes well for ya. Come back safe!
  18. I have 120F from June to October. Quit *****ing.
  19. I forgive you. I am not coming back to the clan, however. I have reasons for it, but you making that statement removes one reason.
  20. We are gone, it's simple as that. It's not for power, it's about gratitude. Stick to whatever your thoughts are. Penguin, Aegean, Bog, Communist, and I DO NOT CARE. It's as simple as that. We are gone, we may or may not come back, and we don't have the clan powers we did. If I am speaking for somebody else at this point, tell me to remove your name, but I cannot care less. So stop arguing, or this clan WILL fall apart from bitter biased arguments and false elitism.
  21. Trust me, I'll stay in contact, but I don't feel that this clan is moving forward.
  22. Sorry for the constant leaves in a row, and this isn't because of Aegean's resignation, but it did help me realize something. There is a job in my clan, even as a member, and it's becoming a burden to myself if I am not active enough. I like this clan, and everyone in it, I just feel like it's not coming together as well. Notice how we are mostly just a JB clan and nothing besides, even with our servers, it takes a long time to constantly populate them. I can't play a lot of games wearing that tag, knowing I am not being active. It's a self-conscious deal, and it sounds like ********, but I'll come back to play JB every now and then. Also that HeLLsSlammers thing was completely out of hand in my opinion and I don't want to be part of that. Goodbye, I don't know if I'll even be active on the forums.