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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. I vote in Selby to be the person with downs.
  2. Maybe buy me a hatpack >.> lol
  3. I'll miss you <3 Even though I am a super creep that likes to get stuff by you every Tuesday night.
  4. pfft, we are bronies excision, not furries. I suppose, but whatevs.
  5. join the herd excision.
  6. Otherworldly


    SOME country is good.
  7. My dad is 39 and he still plays video games. He's been doing that for years, and I managed to grow up without any financial situations and my mom started working recently, and she even plays video games. My dad works from 7:30AM to 3:45PM every weekday. People have hobbies, maybe you should go play tennis when you are 32.
  8. Except you are going to be ignorant of the fact and can't accept people change, liil. +1.
  9. this is random. i can do whatever the **** i want. lollololololafmsaljgasgh
  10. ben, he works at home, and he finds it entertaining to play video games. stop getting in the way of what people like to do and get your head out of your conservative ***.
  11. This is legit? Holy crap, 2 veterans of xG leave in only a 50 day timeframe.
  12. Stop ignoring me... Ah, what the hell, why not? +1 BTW. I totally saw this happening.
  13. Otherworldly

    Our Goal

    Me and Vero want to derail every thread that sucks and add SOME relevant ponies to threads that don't suck. So either get ponied or make a good thread. This was a random statement brought to you by Whips?. GOTTA WHIP THAT SLAVE.
  14. Otherworldly


    Anything of the following: - Certain Mainstream Pop - Lots of 80s pop. - Some 70s rock - Some New Age (Instrumental as well) - Video Game Music (Soundtracks, Still Alive, Simple and Clean, etc) - Simon and Garfunkel, because I can't still figure out what genre they are. o:
  15. please let him in. Everyone micspams. It's a proven fact of life, and he only does the 5 second limit :|
  16. I mean later, ya know, when you earn everyone's respect back that you already lost? Srsly, are you slow or something?
  17. Otherworldly


    I am getting 1MB/s right now. Because I live in the middle of nowhere, I usually get another MB for free, but because of the sale it's at the normal rate.
  18. Otherworldly


    I lol'd. Then I rofl'd.
  19. You were too lazy to even put down the correct hours you had...furthermore, you ARE spamming people for vouches. My vouch remains at -1. If he reapplys and doesn't do the crap he did now, I'll accept it. I really don't care about the tag thing anymore. My vouch stays at -1, but for a different reason.
  20. 9/11 was appropriate for Benny Hill. IMO.
  21. I'm putting -1 because I warned you and I had to kick you. You shouldn't automatically assume something is correct. Yes, it was a mistake and we are all human, but play a little longer and I might vouch. Also, yes, I would say that to your face in person because we would SOOO talk about this in person.
  22. Sounds legit considering the circumstances. Keyword: "sounds" If anyone was there and if they could speak up about it, it would be nice. BTW, how did you get on CT and manage to spawn?