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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman


    +1, That brittish guy is the best.
  2. it would be mc.xenogamers.com altho last ive checked, It's down for maintenance
  3. Nope, -1. Never shut up when asked to. even when i ORDER him to shut up. he often talks over warden, I strongly doubt he's 16, maybe 13-14?In my opinion, he wouldnt be that good of an addition to this community just YET. i say that because if he fixes certain things such as TALKING over warden, I think he'd be DECENT in this community, but in my eyes, there is still bad things about him and i do mind having somebody like him in here.
  4. Unique, wanna go with me?
  5. Arthman

    [ADMIN ABUSE] Duckii

    she has haxs. And her abuse isnt abuse
  6. Yes fullbring, it is. It is still in Repair as all the plugins are NOW obselete. Just wait for newer ones and then it'll back up again.
  7. i Like all of you. But ill just get a couple of names out of my name : Penguin, Other, Hagrid, Serb, Double, grand, Color, slip, that faggot mohammad,and Tordek(which didnt play on servers for awhile)
  8. Tripleposting MUCH? and i like the spawn eggs.
  9. Arthman

    Music question

    Mayhaps you could find me the EAR RAPE one on the MG radio?
  10. Pfft, I use my 3rd gen Mindmouse, I control that ♥♥♥♥ with my mind. Being serious, my talk button's on the side of my mouse.
  11. i remember the little fella. I aint new to this ♥♥♥♥. Sup twonkie
  12. My name is arthman, and i approve of this fella. +1
  13. Im in nobody's list.
  14. Arthman


    i get in the 90% and over without studying because my teacher know im right.
  15. i say we just shoot them all and Revive the Known ones. Sorry jr, Your a stranger. Jk
  16. Herpes, POST ON YOUTUBE OR else.
  17. *lower canon* Roger that, Will hold fire.
  18. Being in full kevlar armor with Airsoft G36KE opening fire across a small field on Police officers doing a joke. $750 fine. Also, damn i LOVED that airsoft. A holes never gave it back
  19. If it's them, Permission to engage the enemy? I got a little trick or two in my hat that i could use. they wont know what it em untill it's too late, or that they spy like faggots on OUR website.
  20. PHEW, WHEN I HEARD FRENCH IP. I shat in my pants. As far as i know, It's not NFO getting DDoSed. TS3 still up and CREATIVE
  21. Sgt, Poor choice. Ill add a -1. He made a thread, a ban request, Over somebody trying to help me. THe thread was just PLAIN RETARDATION.
  22. Arthman


    +1, Very good player from what i've seen. Also, Weirdly, I dont believe your 13. I believe you are older.
  23. Arthman


    me taking pics of People saying N word to me Over mic? Inb4 Close and forum ban for extensive Retardation.
  24. Arthman


    HaHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. Chrono acted right. I see nothing wrong about what he did. You guys just come up to me, blatantly insult me and leave. You call me Alot of things. and now you have the intelligence of POSTING THIS proof WHICH INCRIMINATE you? GG NO RE. Because of all the xana ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (that if he REINSULT ANYBODY WITH MY NAME, GOD SAVE HIS WORTHLESS TROLL SOUL) , I had to ask for a Password protected MC CHANNEL. THat's HOW DEEP it went. And im sick and tired of trolls and stuff insulting me. Ill tell you that, ANYBODY ♥♥♥♥ing with me that is from the RAID thing and such, I will Ban for time according to what has been done. Racism, Goodbye son. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shits just got serious.