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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Say you like me - We the king
  2. I like the guy, +1. he's nice and stuff and can get with people easily. But altho, beware, when he doesnt like you, he doesnt like you.
  3. I remember Callim and drunkn mappleleaf. good times
  4. oc.xenogamers.com and c.xenogamers.com have fun, elmer
  5. m.xenogamers.com maybe?
  6. first off, wallhacking should have been a perm ban. I don't know what was the admin THINKING. Second, Was there 3 ADMINS MINIMUM prior to the ban?
  7. Arthman


    i trust many people in T3k. I know some are bad, but some never even went on any xG servers and they cant play. Or for example, peechis. He left on good terms, did nothing and got banned for I DONT KNOW why. Or maybe Elmer. i don't think elmer ever played in our server and he got wrongfully banned even tho he's one awesome fella.
  8. I heard we also lost UK JB which sadden me
  9. Arthman


    he can unban somebody.(herpes) -------------------- on a slightly different note, i believed that xG was a mature community and i've been told so many times. but yet we ban people that left ON GOOD TERMS just for being part of another community. I find this CHILDISH and yet it disapoints me
  10. serb, if the computer doesnt boot, he cant do anything, not even attempting access the bios settings
  11. Lol, the picture's a tarp, silence take em and sell em. then they photoshop the i <3 xG thing and put ads. He makes more than $20 you sillies.
  12. Arthman


    Zeh remembered me!?!? :D:D:D
  13. Arthman


    +1 Reason: I do believe the little man managed to be better and less of a troll.
  14. Meh, Could alway reinstall if i find my cds, add me and we'll talk about it
  15. +1, I can vouche on how he doesn't rage from what i've seen. I have talked to him and he didn't do anything wrong on Teamspeak3. How about we give him a chance but with Conditions?
  16. Decsion:+1 Why:Fun to play with, Good help at CT. Maturity:8/10 Activity:UK jailbreak
  17. i am an admin at Xenogamer and i want to welcome you warmly in this community.
  18. gratz other, but i really find your promo unfair, you've been on twice? in a couple months maybe?
  19. Arthman

    Serbian Abuse

    that is gravedig. Gravedig is frowned upon. do not do it again
  20. We had a ttt and it fucking was empty
  21. Forum spam, We dont need to know of your departure for a frigging night. What is this, school?
  22. Fucking called it that the people were fake!
  23. Goodbye doug. I've second i've played with you before, i laughed my ass off. I hope sometime later, you regain interest in the game. Remember, we will welcome you with OPEN ARMS.