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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. you even refused to tell me who HAD the motd. Anyway, serbian is awaiting on your side to give the MOTD thingy. He got ours with timestamps dating prior you had powers. we'll see who's right uh?
  2. Serb, he simply REFUSES to show US the motd. HE SIMPLY REFUSES. I asked him who got it, he refused to comply and tell me who. Also, if we SEND HIM and he copy pasted, he'll change it. How about this. Me and chrono send you OUR motd , then they SEND theirs. deal?
  3. I got tired of your lying, and yet , you didnt let me contact the person with the motd so that i could verify if my point was right. CHECKMATE, buddy.
  4. Chrono, it's a lost cause, he keeps lying on steam chat. talk to me asap, ill send you the logs. He's a lying bastard EDIT STALKER: so i can check the MOTD [xG:D:F] Charrax: Fucking child. You don't ever deserve admin. [xG:D:F] Charrax is now Offline. Rage much?
  5. First off, i didnt abuse. Second, I sent you the motd countless time, you ungrateful prick. Third, your current admin abuse sometime. What i did was while the server was on. So quit lying, ye whore. Also, show us the MOTD so me and chrono can see if you Blatantly stole OUR work and claimed it as YOURS
  6. I did ALOT on the Motd too to get demoted. so your point is wrong.
  7. +1. She is really active, she knows rules. You guys know i don't +1 usualy, but when i do, It's because i truly believe that person deserves mod.
  8. FIX YE SHIT. IM CSS. That's why im reapplying for TF2 MOD. Also Full Metal Jacket, Jazzman and Aids are TF2 mods and were mods before the current Tf2 mods.
  9. I lost TF2 ADMIN to get my CSS admin power back. Now, since i can run the game again, I want power ALSO on TF2
  10. haha, well damn. One guy looked at my age when i first joined
  11. The 26th, im gonna be 18. So here the thing. I asked for CSS ADMIN back since i didn't have the computer to handle the game (DON'T ASK ME, I WAS PLAYING METRO BUT NOT TF2 FOR SOME REASON). ya know me, I admin well, already CSS admin and i was TF2 admin before. I've been in this community for a year and had powers for a REAL LONG time.
  12. then , zilch, your problem is somebody took it as a threat and warned the co leader. It's all up to him to see.
  13. Zilch, one quick question. Did you ever speak about ddosing or anything DDoS related on our server?
  14. well, I know my stuff. So i'm gonna go and contact Serbian. Correction* He's co leader.
  15. that guy has a point. all you need is an IP to DDoS
  16. Hey there, It seems there is a problem. One of the Division leader (3rd most powerfull rank) banned you not INGAME but with sourceban. Therefore, Or there were a Ban thread on you, or he had proofs and decided to act. We will wait until he answers. if this is a wrongful ban and this protest passes throught. You will be unbanned. If not, You will stay perm banned. Thanks -Arthman
  17. Arthman

    Clan partys

    yeah, no chrono. Eff u
  18. Arthman

    Clan partys

    Omg transformice!!!! I remember with frigging ninjew!!!!
  19. i slay if the freetaze was intentional. not some 3 taze BS. If it's truly an accident, k, but damn, 3 taze in a round. ya gotta be trigger happy
  20. i know rabid has no life, he's a better bet to play the game.
  21. How long does the offer last + how much TOTAL?
  22. nice try, silence. ALtho, when im FINALY done with my build, I might do that.
  23. The song i posted is SIMPLY Beautiful. Quit arguing Huddy.
  24. Just for the heck of it, I will drop my favorite song here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waANSqM63To
  25. +1 for unban, +1 for CT ban for awhile untill he knows our rules and such. Then we should allow him to hop on CT and not goof.