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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Well, This saddens me alot. Get your things together and working well and come back to us. And i found it funny i got mentioned at first at the illumin part. hehe
  2. Good bye, Old friend. I liked you ever since i got in xG and i never quit liking you.
  3. Why would i +1? I never do it for anybody, not even for my Friends cept when im RECRUITING. Sowwy megan
  4. Eff you cari, I voice acted skyrim >:(
  5. Ask silence, He can make servers for you if you pay
  6. +1 Why:That person knows the rule, and when im on, he Clearly enforces them. I believe He deserves mod he's also mature, and age doesnt matter. We have a handful of good admins that were Once mods. I believe Other and DuckiiJr were 13 when they got promoted. If you get promoted, Talk to me, We will have a little training 101 for mods teee heee
  7. Danno, get on Steam for a sec. I needa tell you some shits.
  8. So Send your Videos to [email protected] Also I am looking for a CameraMan which would be there to record people showing Tricks (Wardening tricks, Rebeling tricks Etc) If you are FIT for the job, Leave a message here. (I might add in a little Plus to anybody to camera man) Also, if the channel gets popular, Profits will go to Xenogamers. The Channel: Chaîne de XenoGamersChannel Use to record: Console XFIRE Fraps Any HD(if possible, if not, record in 480p) recording software.
  9. Arthman

    xG Channel

    Then here's the thing, we need an official xG channel. I might go one and make one and share it certain people. Also, anybody Willing to be a camera man for those who can't record (Me for instance)
  10. eh, I'd chip in a little money, but im low on money too since im building my computer. Sowwy.
  11. Arthman

    xG Channel

    Since SubbJr left, we will have to get a new channel for the members and yet, get SOMEBODY to record this shit. (I can't, Fraps doesnt record other's sound)
  12. Lissa, It is true that many people find you annoying.
  13. 1 years, And guess what? Still counting. Im here for Good!
  14. 4 And now, Ninja text SEE? nope, you didnt see
  15. "if life give you lemon, dont make lemonade: Scream I DONT WANT YOUR LEMON. Ask to see life manager. Burn his house down (with the lemons)" Portal 2
  16. Lol, how much you paid heis? Im buying an evga 560TI 2gb $250 REALLY soon
  17. Arthman

    Kony 2012

    So peter pan can build a child army and that's fine, but when a black man does it.....
  18. +1, We need that badger around here
  19. march 19th, Get at me bros
  20. Uhm, Just gonna point this out, Andermac isnt bad. He's a nice guy. He's a great friend.
  21. CSS full screen. But for APB or GUILD WARS, i play windowed to be able to reach stuff on my 2nd screen
  22. No, you don't slay for Breaking vents during LR. I've been told in the pass NOT to do so. I mean, during LR, ts CAN'T REBEL, and some people just want to explore