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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Make me a russian communist trail
  2. DAMN, THAT"S A WHILE AGO. xG:S and VelociRAPETOR. I dont even recall what xG:S stands for but i remember me NOT being mod
  3. -1, he trolls alot and i've had to ban him before. Out of here, sunnymuffin's brother JORDAN White text.
  4. Way to go foxxy, Good job. Altho, since he's deaf, THE FUCK IS HE DOING ON JB?
  5. See you in quebec MUAHAHAHAHAHAH
  6. Nope, i refuse to even be member in that server. aint nothing to gain from it, No satisfaction.
  7. I used to be admin too. I got on the server the other day and kept getting kicked ffs. -Arthifix
  8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R : call of pripyat then shadow of chernobyl then clear sky. My work here is done
  9. What a break. I barely play as i got bored of it and my video card doesnt let me play fucking TF2 for some weird reason. Getting a 560ti soon
  10. Fun fact, you can vouche if your not xG if your known it the community, silly.
  11. lol? 10motherfuckingcharbeingabitchagain. Teeeheee
  12. +1, This guy gets on people nerve i don't know why, but he knows our rules, He doesn't troll. I've had NO Problem with the guy and he would seem like a good guy
  13. Arthman


    Rena, add me, whenever there's somebody that breaks rules etc, Ill get on (if it is possible) and deal with the problem myself.
  14. I tried allchat earlier on saxton hale, Doesnt work
  15. Arthman

    Keylog Warning

    I go to MPGH for ma hacks, Easier, safer. MINION POWAHHH. being serious, project7 cause a real threat to unaware people, or curious ones.
  16. Arthman

    CT Ban

    pic or didnt happen. XD
  17. Arthman

    CT Ban

    Also, YOU TWO, SHUT THE HELL UP. seriously, gosh. Can't let 2 people talk without there being a fight. Beside, you said you Unbanned him, yet he is still banned, check teamban logs. Also, Doing this makes the job harder for aegean and duckii when they try to get the info out of the messages. So you two, take it easy, wait untill aegean or duckii do something. Thanks on the behalf of xenogamers.
  18. Arthman


    3 dogs. i only have 3 dogs.
  19. Polap, I could provide you with one sometime soon.
  20. what i did was put the server in JOIN WHEN AVAILABLE and joined MG. It usualy puts me on JB
  21. Arthman

    Keylog Warning

    lol, DDoSed somebody spamming that website the other day. Finaly, i see my actions were right, Ill take steps to Shut down the site.
  22. Because of europe, now we are in deeper trouble, ACTA for short
  23. Great player, +1, Never, EVER had a problem with him.