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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. I guess I'll launch a temporary placeholder server
  2. I can launch such a server right now if I wanted.. but I would have to wipe it when uploading the built one. But it could tots be done
  3. tbh I wish. Working on 1.13.1 make my eyes bleed because of plugins compatibility.
  4. that's something I'd have to seriously research. I'm afraid this could cause serious compatibility issues with the various mods I'm running server side..
  5. ranks are already being added. As for buffs we'll see. Money shop is also something that I have to look into, given that I'll have to balance it. Ungriefable houses will be available as part of towns in towny.
  6. we *could* get towny up and running and get it live, but we'd have to see if @Aegean wants to get it hosted or if I'll have to host it myself. I doubt I have the proper bandwith to host a full on 20+ player server fluently since I run a load of webapps on my server..
  7. Since I`m a system administrator, I don`t code very often.. I`ll program switches and whatnot but my favorite would have to be Ruby On Rails
  8. Sorry buddy, but you don't quite know the rules well enough for me to +1 you. Often you break rules (albeit you slay for most of it) Blatantly disregarding other players, not listening to mods/admin having to coerce you into following rules.. that's a -1 from me. Bear in mind that if you change the way you act and become what I think could be a good member, I'll deff +1 you.
  9. Im thinking of the following: Creative - Towny - Skybase Already planned! 1.13.1
  10. Hunger game could be taken into consideration.
  11. Don`t worry about that. I`m starting to set up multiverse tonight, i`ll get the basics down and then I`ll probably push a prod server on my personal machine for the time being. I`ll have to properly research and test for Pixelmon in a multi-verse, given that pixelmon`s latest build seems to be on 1.12... I'll get a skyblock (coop no FF) working, a towny (FF allowed depending on the zone) and a factions running ASAP, then test the water for more mods.
  12. Isn't pixelmon a mod pack requiring you to download everything beforehand? It could be done... but would be hard as heck to run through multi-verse Does it require it's own launcher? If you guys are interested, we could go on discord tonight (around 9 EST, gotta put my snow tires one before that) and properly discuss everything. I'm down to properly research everything to get something interesting up and running @Tatost @HongKonatron
  13. Bear in mind that I will be setting everything up but the server actually making it live depends on the community wanting to play on it. I was told that the server will be hosted if management thinks it`ll work. Go ahead and get your friends. the more input the better, then I'll have a solid case to bring to management and hopefully push this live. Whilst i'll be working on that, I'll post screenshots/videos as a teaser.
  14. Done some basic research, Multi-verse is still functional, so i could get a creative running, a towny running and 1 or 2 other instances (that we would have to decide on) It's also scalable so if it picks up we can adapt with more.
  15. Hey guys! Arthman here. I've heard that the MC server went under and well... that doesn't fly with me. I've asked Aegean and he's allowed me to do so. Let me begin by introducing myself: I'm the former Div Leader for the MC division, years ago. I ran a multi-verse server for xG where every map had different mods on it. I offered Aegean to set up a play server on my side to build it before pushing it live, and he's agreed to look into this with me. I was wondering what do you guys want server wise! Please feel free to drop down suggestions and then, when I have enough, I'll run a poll!
  16. the elite is absolute garbage whereas the regular line hasn't changed except for RGB LED.
  17. #unpopularopinion Razer Deathadder (the regular one, not Elite). Why? well i've been using the same death adder i had when i first joined xG in 2011, and it still works like day one. I remember i paid around 60 bucks back in the days for it, and right now i'm looking at a replacement (after nearly 8 years), and they are still 60-65 steelseries rivals or sensei are also great options when considering bang for buck.
  18. Arthman

    Ban the toxic

    Young players are part of the player base we have here, whether we like it or not. Instead of trying to ostracize them, how about helping them change and become better? By doing so, we should manage to keep a good player base whilst reducing the amount of issues. that's my 2 cents.
  19. isn't there somebody already working on that @Aegean
  20. I figured i'd do this since I just got back into xG. For those that know me (either because im famous or infamous), sup y'all know me For the others: Hey guys, I'm HK / Arthman, I first joined xG in early 2011 (check my forum profile bruh) and played for over 1000 hours on the JB server when it was on CSS. I took a few years hiatus for school and ressourcing myself but now I'm back! I'm french canadian (ron ron ron) but I do speak english quite well. I was an admin back in the days for multiple divisions aswell as the division leader (back then we didn't have division managers) and server manager for Minecraft. Hopefully we can get along!
  21. Arthman


    oh yeah... if we count CSS, I have about.... 1000 hours played on xG servers? also, I didn't think about it, i mean to say 2-3 hours daily
  22. In-Game Name HK Division Counter-Strike Previous Member Yes Identity manarth Age 24 Previously Banned No Time Active on Servers 2-3 hour/d Reason for Joining I'm an oldfag looking to rejoin the community i spent countless hours playing w/ Years ago. Some might remember me as Arthman or Wolfeh. I was a mod/admin for the CSS servers for a while, I also ran the minecraft in 2012-2013? I hope y'all take me back
  23. well chrono, that's Understandable. I must atleast say this : Thanks for not jumping the gun and directly -1ing me
  24. Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: Arthifix Steam ID: Steam Community :: Hasuta-kun Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 19 Further Information: Howdy friends. As some of you older xG members might remember, Im Arthman. For the new ones, Call me Arth or Hasuta-kun. Long story short, i was the former xGD for MC and xGA for CSS and i wish to rejoin for the MC division AND the CSS div (mostly MC but i intend on playing both). Im a fun player to play with, I try to abide by the rules as much as possible ,but i do need to be put back in place here and there. Feel free to +1 me or -1 me, i wont hold grudges against those who -1 me with a reason. See ya -Hasuta-kun/Arthman
  25. Arthman

    Fundraiser Ideas

    I'd drink with you!