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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. lol, I said falcon, forgot that you were also falcon. the div leader is @@Falcon_Hunter
  2. ORRRR right click > Game info > Grab IP > Open console > Connect IP > ??? > Profit.
  3. Ill point out something. Proof are good for everything, but they are NOT required to ban protest. they can help you getting unbanned and then fill an abuse thread, but not having proof is completly fine. so for those who -1 saying No proof, it doesnt make sense.
  4. May i still point the fact that even if neo slayed loller, Ganja still made up rules? it is not unfair to go to an area and ask CT to go to you.
  5. i personally prefer .org
  6. +1 , He's mature, Doesnt troll and very Rarely freekills. Imo, Would be a good addition to the family.
  7. for the rare amount of time i vouche on these thing, This nikkuh deserves his rank back. Nivek's my man
  8. Arthman

    Spare time

    in my spare time: Guild Wars 2 and Stalker
  9. Arthman

    youtube editors

    im a great editor, Simple problem : Download and upload limit per month
  10. 2. Was already denied 3. Is already in 4. I believe was refused too. 5. is in already 9. Do want (summer redux) 10 is already in. 11 Starbuck refused italy because nothing is compiled. no textures.
  11. I have no memories of banning him, but i know that when i perm ban somebody, it's for breaking the rules and fleeing. Most likely MASS freekill.
  12. +1, Can be very usefull, He's mature.
  13. Arthman


    Imma be slenderman. I have the suit, all i need is aquire a white morphsuit
  14. i just wish to put this here, World changes are free right now, so i am moving to northern shiverpeak
  15. Arthman

    Admin Abuse

    This is none of my bussiness, But if higher ups want to work with that they can. Im closing this due to no proofs (to prevent flame wars over Rules and what not) Tagging people who MIGHT be interested @@Jihad @@HaaDron @Link_ @Serbianbelavuk -Closed (until one of those say their point)
  16. And kiddies, That's why to get anti virus and anti spywares and change your password often.
  17. You do it ya whore, what do i look like, Your personal Bitch?
  18. if i am to convert maps, ill convert better ones first. That means Fuck avalanche. I hate it. (ill still it at one point, I just hate it)
  19. Votekick is there, and thats about it. you can vote kick if you are a normal player by typing in !votekick That being said, I say no to vote ban, but votekick should give a 2 minute Timeout and if it is abused, Would give you a couple days ban.
  20. Im on JQ, hit me up, A R T H I F I X
  21. >Inb4 servers havent been up for 2 years >Inb4 op cant greentext