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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze


    nah this is pretty relevant, i had philly cheesesteak a few minutes ago
  2. Jaybreeze


    Post this on ban request, but get a picture of the actual console log if you have it.
  3. I get that much power by abusing.
  4. Jaybreeze


    +1 perma ban, gimme his admin
  5. Ill donate 50 if you make pub rotation server
  6. Jaybreeze


    -1 so you dont get all +1's
  7. +1 cause now we gotz 2 ex-RB's lawl
  8. I demand that demotion be removed, its ruining my image.
  9. I would like to thank everyone for my promotion to Co-Leader (but we really know im the actual leader). If you have any questions as to why i was promoted (there shouldnt be any) feel free to uninstall steam and find some friends. My unbelievable intelligence has already predicted the future and is showing me that all donations will now go directly to my pockets, so thanks for the alcohol! Thats my message for this week, stay tuned for updates! Oh yeah on a minor note, I just replaced the Jail Break server with a pub rotation server, hope to see you all there! All TF2 and Minecraft players have been perma-banned.
  10. wtf excision was in the clan for like a day and he gets mod? i demand my co leader back.i call hax.
  11. Jaybreeze


    +1 hes my ♥♥♥♥♥
  12. Jaybreeze


    +1 for being a guy
  13. +1 becuz im starting graphics division
  14. youve all gotten dumber for posting on this.
  15. nah thats dumb and confusing