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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze


    My plan is working perfectly.
  2. Jaybreeze

    Drink da pee pee

    i perma'd him cause hes ugly and smells like old fish
  3. ^granted, i work at mcdonalds take all you want I wish this game would stop. now end it. srsly
  4. Let me get a few more weapons first Arth, ill get back to you later tonight
  5. I got stuff, ill be on soon to talk
  6. Im in need of a Strange Minigun!
  7. Is that the whole surf? Other than that looks good, cant wait to see when its finished, keep up the good work!
  8. Jaybreeze

    best hat pack?

    I also agree, but the Hamburger hat and Shoop Da Woop are my favories
  9. +1 if you change your name, it'd get too confusing
  10. Do they actually wear prada though?
  11. -1 due to constant mic spamming and immature behavior. shape up and reapply
  12. Nah i was just asking, looks good though, nice work
  13. what did you do just type it, make it a gradient and drop a shadow?
  14. aawwww it was so much nicer this week too welcome back bro
  15. Ahahaha yeah make sure no one else finds it Good work though and good luck
  16. hahaha wait thats really cool.
  17. +1, prove how much youve changed.
  18. Jesus christ you guys were only 3?? I feel old as hell now... Condolences to everyone effected and RIP to the lives lost.
  19. -1 pick youre own damn name, tired of all these jrs running around.
  20. edited due to me being sober now.