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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze

    Please help!

    give up and buy a new computer
  2. Jaybreeze

    CSS Update

    im gonna ♥♥♥♥♥ like a ♥♥♥♥♥
  3. Jaybreeze


    -1. i hate all of you.
  4. you just didnt read his sentence right, learn what trolling is before you throw the word around
  5. youre dumb. re read his sentence and edit your post so you dont look like youre illiterate.
  6. -1 again just to reinforce my previous opinion.
  7. damn who made that sexy logo
  8. yo about DC, im still the leader of that ♥♥♥♥ ya herrrrr.. Last origonal member whats gooodie but on a real note dawg, papi ill miss you man, hit me up on steam chat err now and then ya herrd? u mah boi 4 lyfe. ♥♥♥♥♥ west side
  9. you forgot to mention none of them are original
  10. thats what we have anyways....
  11. blurred is the way to go man, makes it look trippy
  12. theres too many people, theyre stealing my posts
  13. dont add more servers, we have enough trouble trying to populate one. as for mods, ill take mod on tf2 since i play it just as much as css now and i like tf2 more and more each time i play. hi
  14. happy birthday but the jets suck, sorry
  15. Im saying that, I like this a lot and would love to be on this
  16. Jaybreeze


    Stop stealing my spoilers Otherwordly
  17. Well i prolly wont be on minecraft on halloween night since i have a life, but a few days before we should do a big hunt or something around the map.
  18. if this happens i quit and will find where each of you live and brutally murder you.
  19. wait the line breaks totally made me more interested. on a related note, i actually dont care
  20. Jaybreeze

    xG chat

    I think he took out messaging but im not sure..