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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj2DEM3rdaA>hi
  2. Jaybreeze

    so yah!

    lololololol ok kudos for that
  3. Jaybreeze


    i hope you all die.
  4. such a long post but it was worth the read. good work son keep it comin
  5. Stop posting useless things that lower my intellect.
  6. Jaybreeze

    so yah!

    this converstation ♥♥♥♥ing sucks youre all useless. holding hands? what are you 4? sick job, maybe next time you can have a hug or something you stupid little prick
  7. Silence changed those to the swear filters instead of just symbols. Its really annoying when you have to edit your post cause it floods the box...
  8. +1 because your name means shit.
  9. Jaybreeze


    +1 because this was a very formal and organized app. It pleases my eyes. Also, i heard hes good at stuff
  10. My soul just died a little.
  11. This is a legitimate +1 for a ban. Youre abusing these forums way too much. I could give two shits about your sleep apnea to be honest. Either post something useful for stfu.
  12. Can you stop flooding my thread with your useless banter?
  13. Ill take Admin on CSS and minecraft, mod on tf2 and i dont really give a shit about garrys mod. That is what i want, make it happen.
  14. This post is going progressively downhill, so here i go to fix it. You all still suck.
  15. I am the law and my word is law. The law demands forum mod. Or mod on all xg servers. large size is due to lack of caps lock-ability on this forum.
  16. I use that message so I can freekill more often.
  17. With so much drama goin down in the LBC its kinda hard bein snoop d oh double gee, but I somehow, someway keep comin up with funky ass shit like every single day.
  18. I think its a guy, either way, lets make it a threesome.
  19. Other co-leader says up to you young padawan.
  20. Only 4 of the posts out of your 300 mattered though.
  21. who are you? keeding i mished u a lil