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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. good promotions fnally. (immadimnotcoleader)
  2. 2 weeks in a row. this is blasphemy. gimmeh mah co-leader back.
  3. +1 cause of that dope ♥♥♥ signature some cracka musta made
  4. Jaybreeze


    hey QT pie, how u been
  5. Jaybreeze

    1000 posts!

    if im not next, someones really gotta spam up these forums quick, hahah
  6. Jaybreeze

    1000 posts!

    eh you beat me with useless spam, i guess im okay with that
  7. yea kevin you suck ♥♥♥♥, go die
  8. Jaybreeze

    Zombie Mod.

    nope. zm sucks, and i think we had one for a while
  9. who is this and why did he steal my name
  10. Jaybreeze

    Yo fggots

    its not that good, only ugly people play it
  11. I will +1 to lower radius and get that message box that pops up if you want to buy one, people just sit on them for rounds and if they arent smart enough to know when to type !bomb 1 then they shouldnt have a bomb
  12. bye idont♥♥♥♥withthe10char.
  13. Jaybreeze

    Yo fggots

    LoL is better (lol)? nowumad iseehesragin tellemwhyumad
  14. gamebanana.com has most of the maps you need besides: ba_jail_lockdown_final jb_lego_jail_pre_v6-2 and one of the new v2 maps we use
  15. Jaybreeze


    Its my lifetime story, take notes kids.
  16. taco bell is a gift from the heavens.
  17. just say them normally, i really dont see an issue here
  18. Jaybreeze

