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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Im not gonna lie they all look the same but with different colors
  2. Slipery youre really in no place to complain about someone spamming...
  3. Jaybreeze


    I disagree with 2/3 of this. The only part thats correct is he's active. Hes generally disliked and constantly mic spams in a high pitched voice resulting in a mute or complaints. I have nothing against him personally, just the antics he pulls. Also me and Aaron were talking earlier and agreed there are a LOT of mods for CSS but I think this is good because we need constant administration on our servers so the same 4 people dont get bombarded with steam IM's to come on and slay a random freekill here or there.
  4. Panda's really are extinct... Good luck man, always welcome to pop back in
  5. -1 for CSS: i dont think youre mature enough to be a mod in all honesty. realistically a month isnt that long, especially with all the drama you were part of in that month. +1 for minecraft, i really dont care about it.
  6. These threads need to stop now. Not only did i not care, but your spamming uselessness.
  7. well to me he has a legitimate complaint, and you just gagged and muted him. based on his chat i dont think hed be someone to spam STFU NERD in chat. but i wasnt there so i cant say
  8. id still rape her if i were you
  9. well was michaels voice high?
  10. Jaybreeze


    Because you suck.
  11. why didnt you post both of these in the Minecraft Discussion forum?
  12. All those games are just sequels to each other
  13. Jaybreeze


    ima still +1 this sshiiittttt yo
  14. Jaybreeze

    Herro Peeplz

    yeah i didnt agree with that ban, but the public voted
  15. make me a css rotation pub. ill fill it up quick.
  16. canada almost matters in the world.