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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Dont join the army. Join the national guard, you just drink a lot and get paid.
  2. Jaybreeze


    +1, better than both of the people that just posted on this thread.
  3. Jaybreeze


    I'm only going to do them if i think of something to do. Ill let you know individually if i do one.
  4. LoL. Add Me. Jaybreeze. I = support. and....... minesweeper.
  5. Add me, I usually run either a support or tank.
  6. lol what kind of analogy was that
  7. Who here plays LoL. I need noobs to steal kills from If you play and are decent hit me up JayBreeze. If not, hit me up anyway because im bored, and decently good looking. -Irony (noun) - Dropping your iPhone in Apple juice-
  8. Jaybreeze

    Duckii jr.

    I dont know what your all talking about, I heard Soiarn (lol remember him?) say once that he was ugly. Im forced to believe him -A patronus a day keeps dementors away-
  9. ill join, but im making a call to ninjew first....
  10. Jaybreeze


    itll be done tomorrow
  11. Why do you put -Aegean at the end of your posts? We can clearly see your name (and dope signature) around your post On topic: I vote -0 for this.
  12. Jaybreeze


    +1 because i want someone to make graphics with.
  13. +1 for raising the age of admission to 26.
  14. Its a mature game for a reason. Hate to say it, but kids shouldnt be on the game, let alone the mics.
  15. i like it! i want one :(
  16. He was lying to help your shattered self-confidence.
  17. Jaybreeze


    Who wants them.
  18. Jaybreeze

    A Pattern

    Ill post something useless on the thread.
  19. rawr welcome to my clanless clan
  20. lololol how am i not on council, this is [ATTACH]321.vB[/ATTACH] Seriously though, im crashing this meeting to make sure nothing stupid happens, because theres apparently only 4 people in the clan who dont have mental issues.
  21. kk but the spray is suitable for kids around the age of 13 sooooo shut up. youre dumb, still. also, on a completely related note, youre wrong.