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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. -1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I7Ue2wX6iQ&NR=1
  2. Jaybreeze

    100% men

    Guys, im really a girl. Hai.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoBWSgaAvus&feature=relmfu
  4. +1 to even it out because i like to see chaos.
  5. Jaybreeze


    Spell another word wrong, i dare you
  6. Jaybreeze


    Still a +1 from me, good kid and knows the rules. Not afraid of warden
  7. Jaybreeze

    On rexxthg...

    Hey rookie, let me tell you right now so you dont get your panties in a bunch. I could care less if rexx trolled people, it really doesnt matter to me but to post useless, flaming threads across the forums makes this clan look bad when people join and read our forums. Just like this worthless topic, theyre gonna read this and see some 15 year old kid who couldnt watch his Naruto episode tonight cause he didnt eat his vegetables. Stop whining, I posted the member protest on rexx to point out that hes been flaming and spamming to the extent that it was making most threads unreadable.
  8. I think its personally a good idea, that way the higher ups get to see who people want as a mod, even before they get mod
  9. Member Name: JayBreeze In-Game Name: Jay Breezy What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: Steam isnt working properly ATM Age: 19 Donated: Yes Other information: Been a member of the community for a long time, got mod twice then left. I really dont want CSS Mod im more looking to get Forums Mod because im a lot more active on the forums than I am on CSS or the games since im at school now.
  10. ewwww bad choices, theyre all canadien
  11. -1. First off, its a mature game so be mature. Second, for the language, youre supposed to be over 16 no? Third, all three of you are being douches to each other eliciting responses from each other.
  12. yo i ♥♥♥♥ the ♥♥♥♥ outta fine ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥es at school. ♥♥♥♥in suckin my ♥♥♥♥ slobberin all over the place, ♥♥♥♥ing them in the ♥♥♥♥ oh its the best
  13. This is an example of something that doesnt need to be posted. Private message him instead. For example, dont reply to this thread.
  14. Read a book or hang out with friends, too many posts get obnoxious.
  15. Its called motivation, prove me wrong.
  16. Safe journeys, hope to see you re-apply a little later down the road and dont think because i posted the member protest that i hate you, just from what I saw you were hindering this clans growth more than helping it. Stay active on the servers and TS if you want because clearly, as stated above me people DO like you. Dont be a stranger
  17. This would be too confusing because then the Ts would just complain that they didnt see the CT, or the CT didnt see them.
  18. Theyre both the same and theyre both ugly. The font is a bad size, bad colors and the pictures are way to pixelated. Heres my advice: Dont try again.
  19. I have yet to see a legitimate defense, by other members, for rexx so can a higher-up take action here? Or shall we just continue to post things he's done?
  20. Awkward conversation was awkward.
  21. This is the dumbest thing ive seen all day. He barely says anything vulgar at all and you want a ban request because you dont like him. -1 from me, due to lack of a reason that this is ban-able.
  22. Joking around only goes so far, you have to be serious at some point and i really havent seen that from him at all. Albeit im only on the forums now, but still a post that has some thought would be nice every now and then.