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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Dont mistake joking for trolling. A lot of you overreact for no reason.
  2. I better be able to customize my ♥♥♥♥ homie. I want a tricked out riot shield
  3. Youre all pale and pasty. Get some sun.
  4. Jaybreeze


    I dont even troll that hard, most of you just cant take a joke. Sometimes i troll hard though, it amuses me
  5. Its clearly not a bad word if it didnt get censored. GG. TLDR; i win again
  6. well i guess you wont break your mirror anymore...
  7. its not a tiny chat party unless im there.
  8. Name: Read my post rookie Position: Ill smoke some bud and chill out Secondary: Usually role with the 9mm
  9. [ Am i doing it right?
  10. That how i got promoted to Moderator. /sarcasm /notreallyimbeingserious
  11. Hardly a reason for a ban. Saying ****** to someone who it doesnt effect should mean nothing, so in a sense its not racist. Just because they say it doesnt mean that it should result in a ban, or punishment for that matter.
  12. yo i **** niggas up with the tactical knife
  13. already had it, it sucked. probz not happenin homie
  14. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  15. chrome is better tho, niggas ****in **** *****es with them hoes tho real talk
  16. yo vote ban is dumb, id be down with a vote kick though, that way they get off ct. amiright?
  17. Jaybreeze


    -2 because i like chips ahoy
  18. stop being poor and get a better connection.
  19. Jaybreeze


    I break rules all the time, but i dont get on my high horse after and talk down to people. I just insult them for being immature punks
  20. Jaybreeze


    yo rex shut up, you break rules constantly with your mic spamming so you have no place to talk, member or not.
  21. Jaybreeze

    pew pew

    go kill yourself ******