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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Lololol like i need to convince people to let me join. I troll them hard and they still +1. Why? Because at the end of the day its a joke.
  2. Jaybreeze

    I need help!

    Theyre in cahootz!
  3. My trolling career. It was a good, long lasting one. Ill admit i did pretty well for myself. But have no fear, im just gonna go back to being a wigger and chillin so dont worry guys. I might even go back to making signatures for some people who i decently like. Get at me haters
  4. lolololol i dont suck up to the admins but ok. i insult everyone equally
  5. thats enuf right. kk my tagz 0n!!
  6. Member Name: JayBreeze In-Game Name: Filthy_Seminal_Discharge Steam ID: 0:00:000:0000:0 Age: 19 but i act like im 5 Game Time: Longer than Ron Jeremy Helpful Skills: I can troll hard I know kids who DDoS
  7. leave *****, you wont. on a related note, stop with these threads to try and get attention. just post a leaving thread. or dont. simple solutions to simple problems brought to you by jay breezy
  8. To end JD's sarcasm Stop these images are making my eyes bleed.
  9. So far at college ive: Got a 3.0 GPA with it slowly on the rise My alcohol tolerance has gone WAY up Cocaine is a hell of a drug May or may not have a STD (Its up for debate) Still fuck girls ^ And Im going to graduate
  10. i voted yes because i like to watch pain and suffering
  11. Dont get your **** rocked bro, or else itll just be a funny video on youtube
  12. yo if you dont fuck this bitch im gonna be pissed and come do it for ya. real nigga talk
  13. If i get a lane with someone good, I can get Sona to around 700 AP and then she hurts a lot..
  14. I main as Sona but i can Ryze and semi-tank with Alistar or Rammus
  15. Shoulda told me this like 3 weeks ago, Im level 13 now.. Im adding you now, invite me to play 5v5's whenever
  16. Id totally rewatch DBZ or Hey Arnold
  17. First i pop some percosets then i pop some xanax
  18. Jaybreeze


    Whaaaat, since when do we look down upon at trolls.... No one gave me that memo +1 to get some clam up in this sausage fest
  19. This is one of the dumbest threads ive seen in a while.
  20. This thread is like 2 months old. I make sigs rarely now, and only for people i know.
  21. Jaybreeze


    Wait maybe if you whine more something will happen
  22. SimpLe. Its to the point.