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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ill look for u on cops and campus pd jay breezy, when it does happen, give a shout out to xenogamers
  2. serbiansnaga

    Bad System.

    ya def need to reform member submissions and make it harder for ppl to join, more than i would like are trolling others and its ******* me off having to tell them to stfu and to stop trolling, perhaps we need more vouches for someone to get in, also make sure that they dont troll others
  3. it was fun having u, well said about ppl in the clan being morons, srsly though, teenagers rage over the smallest, dumbest things
  4. dont know the guy, nvr seen him around, heard hes a ****, also heard hes a massive troll, and he eats little babies raw and alive, so its a +1 for me
  5. +1 also read the motd, cause we have rules here that are different from other jailbreak servers, dk if u know them already
  6. dont worry about it doc, u wont get kicked out, and was canada better than anywhere else that uve been?
  7. i feel so much better cause i dont have to do summer reading **** or assignments and stuff, my school ends when my exams end, yay
  8. ya ull save hundreds if u buy ur own parts and build it urself, if u know how to
  9. no no no no trolling of other clans whatsoever, it will only cause problems and **** people off, grow up u 12 yr olds and ur OMGZ I TROLLED YOU LOLLOLOLOLUMAD!??!
  10. better, but there isnt much animation to see, perhaps have him do more stuff?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oGmytVHl_I
  12. the xg user bar under ur avatar is just for the forums, it doesnt mean that ur in xg, it just lets others know who is member, moderator, admin etc. also the check mark on the left of the thread thing is just to tell u that u posted in that thread, doesnt mean anything, oh ya +1
  13. no posting ban protests for bans that are less than a day (1440 min), no gravedigging, no spamming threads for post counts, no disrespectful posts towards anyone in the forums all i got so far discuss
  14. had to do it, tl dr btw, no offense
  15. idiots that dont know the answer to their own question make me lol, btw, is it travia or trivia cause im not sure which one ur saying
  16. serbiansnaga


    silly aegean, u caved in to duckiis demands too easily, i on the other hand, have NOT given duckii cookies and i make my own hehe
  17. u were in the right to kick him, aaron is a troll but hes not that stupid to ignore admins command, he prob thought that u knew that he was joking and didnt think he would be kicked for it. btw aaron stop trolling soiarn, guy has enough to deal with and stop trolling in general if u want in on this clan
  18. not bad for ur first try and doing it in an hour, keep practicing, perhaps post improved versions of it later on?
  19. serbiansnaga


    +1 he does **** around but im guessing hes gonna behave now that he got banned for the above reasons
  20. just type in !lr in chat, save u wasted time in trying to figure out how to bind it
  21. y is this such a big deal, first of all, drank if ts say "cts suck" then u cant rly mute/gag them cause they are saying that the guards suck, its not directed towards the admins, secondly if its just u on, msg some mods/admins to come and help u, u know we will. btw ts cannot be wardens EVAR! to those affected, NUT UP OR SHUT UP, its just a mute/gag, its not like it was a ban or anything, on top of that, ur expecting a mod with like 2 weeks of experience to handle like 45 players in jb with like half of them screaming in chat over whatever-the-****