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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. u forced silence to give u mod jay, funniest ♥♥♥♥ ever inb4 mod then leave after
  2. what the **** is that? just kidding, i wear glasses too, but its for far distances
  3. need a log tracker to keep track of who un ct bans others, cause just saw that netex was perm ct banned for freekilling 4 days ago 8/23/11, and someone unbanned him from ct before that, dk if it was accidental ct ban or not though
  4. cl_cmdrate doesnt reduce ur ping, it just masks it. its like wearing rich, expensive clothing to make u look rich, when ur not
  5. serbiansnaga


    +1 good member to xg, yadda yadda, too early to think
  6. +1 saw what i needed to see, waiting for duckii or aegean to confirm ban
  7. u have 2 applications and they both have different ages on them. also change ur name, we dont allow racism on our servers
  8. serbiansnaga


    how about no rexx. also its not like he mass freekilled, he accidentally killed me once and left to avoid embarrassment, its not a big deal
  9. +1 knows the rules, played in the servers for a long time, and i think at one point he was in xg
  10. serbiansnaga


    ill see if duckii can lift the ban, at least u gave an explanation as to why u left
  11. bf3 is using the frostbite 2.0 engine, its newer than the frostbite 1.0 engine, which bc was built with, bc2 was built with 1.5 engine
  12. the difference between bf2 and bf3 is huge, everythings different in terms of gameplay, graphics, and generally everything. btw, expansions and sequels are 2 different things, expansion is like an addon to a game, like starcraft broodwar, a sequel is the next version of the game, like starcraft 2
  13. clearly bf3, dont know why they are advertising mw3 as a sequel when it is just an expansion of mw2
  14. get better internet, other than that, there is no other immunity for it, unless silence puts u on anti kick list for high ping, which he prob wont
  15. serbiansnaga


    ur only banned for a day, just to let u know. also next time u accidentally freekill someone, dont leave the server, cause thats like running from the police after u hit their car, it makes u look guilty, just wait so u get slayed by an admin, that way the issue will be resolved quickly
  16. i nvr said that i -1 his app, just telling kevin that aegean doesnt count -1 vouches just cause they nvr saw the person
  17. +1 hes an experienced member, knows rules, good player, etc
  18. eww, looks too arcadey, and the guns look like tf2 guns, lame
  19. hmm, perhaps a gentlemen's duel between jay and rabid over whos the better troll? or will this be the end of the internet as we know it?
  20. troll-dar is going off the ****ing needle, brace for impact, hes gonna do something big
  21. serbiansnaga

    Last night.

    toronto didnt get blackout, but we saw a bunch of lightning flashes in the clouds over mississsauga and brampton, we just got rain, thats it
  22. id act like a monkey, and maybe kill a person, after i get the klondike bar, id realize that i prefer ice cream sandwiches