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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ya, the old one didnt haev as much stuff to do, and had some bugs in it, like climb and how last t can do race and he would get tele'd to the starting point, but the ct would go to the side of it. also the newer one is better version, has more stuff to do etc, race is kinda lame when it kills the losers, good way to take out a bunch of unwanted ts
  2. i remember when i was aegean and u slayed me cause u forgot ur name was still marshal law, lold so hard, brb posting admin abuse and ban request
  3. serbiansnaga

    Last night.

    yup this for sure happened, but it wasnt that bad, dont see what torontos complaining about, if u ask me, its nature at its finest. the last good storm that we had was in 2003 or 2004, and it was the remnants of a hurricane, sky was literally red right before it started. and it was raining like a mother****er, the sky was beautiful right before it started though
  4. kevin, aegean said that hes not counting -1 vouches just cause u nvr saw the person. isnt this duckiis friend that said was trolling (jokingly of course), see what duckii says about it
  5. what u want to cover urself in is fruit flies or water bears, those things are the toughest animal (bug) species in the world, can survive near absolute zero, can last months without water and food, and even air, they can also take super high temperatures for quite some time Tardigrade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia thats the water bear
  6. serbiansnaga


    u were banned for freekilling and u said that ur brother did it, then it was denied by ero sennin, also u were using racist terms but that was lifted to a day. here are the previous ban protests u posted: blazer blazer blazer
  7. i can and will post proof, all of it...
  8. serbiansnaga


    u arent saying what i told u to say
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBf2v4mLM8k
  10. u argue with urself rexx, end of discussion
  11. ahh, i remember my first admin abuse thread, guy had no proof except 1 person who wasnt even in xg and was ct banned a lot, lol
  12. rexx is a troll lissa, trust me, he goes on ts with 2 accounts and literally argues with himself
  13. stop hitting over chicks on the internet rexx
  14. serbiansnaga


    +1 on unban, meaning i dont want him unbanned, he trolled xavien over chat and thought that he was immune to admin powers (paraphrased), then he gets on jb expecting nothing to happen to him cause he trolled off of the xg servers at which point xavien banned him for trolling him. just cause he is/was ur friend, that doesnt mean that hes always gonna be ur friend, if he goes against u, then thats his choice, not urs to make. on top of that, why are u complaining, u said it urself "this is the internet", then u go and write a ban protest for jb. use the week ban that u have and go practice for esea that u way u arent "wasting" time on jb, or better yet, get rdy for school and/or go to school if it has already started
  15. his ban was for a week by quarantine (ct ban), he has like 2-3 days left on his ban anyway
  16. plain and simple, which *** do u most likely fall into?
  17. going into second yr university in september studying criminology atm, majoring it basically, maybe minor in history if my place offers it gonna go for federal student workplace program and try to get into border services (airport security basically) make money to help pay for tuition and bills if all goes well, ill get offered a full time job at border services and get my degree and diploma before then and be able to help out a lot more for bills and stuff maybe if im interested, i might later go into policing if i dont get the border services job (full time), and maybe try again when i get experience as a cop, canadian cops are paid well here, 80k plus benefits, and its govt so job security is pretty much assured
  18. duckii if u wanted to take a break, u shouldve just told us, we happily would have accepted it and it would inform others that ppl need a vacation from css like everyone else
  19. u got ur clan mates and admins backing u up poncher, ur a mod, u were chosen because u can take **** that ppl throw at u, leaving would only make things worse, when u make a decision, u stick by it
  20. *looks around* hmm, pigs arent flying, hell didnt freeze over, and its not raining animals, nah i dont think rexx is gonna be co leader
  21. serbiansnaga

    Favourite food

    mountain dew, crack, cigarette butts, and stale doritos
  22. apparently, the earthquake was felt here in toronto, i didnt feel it somehow, but everyone else on facebook did, oh well
  23. banning everyone whos above me, now im number 2, come at me brosephs, see what i did there, i joined bro and joseph and turned it into broseph, next level word fusion right there
  24. +1 cause quarantine -1'd for no reason, just dont troll on the xg servers, if ur gonna troll on other servers or about other clans, dont say **** like "xgs better, everyone else sucks", also dont troll on other servers in general, it makes us look bad and makes us seem like trolls which we arent and are trying to reverse