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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. anything from the old cartoon network (dex's lab, kids next door, ed edd and eddy, the old pokemon, DBZ, looney tunes for sure), also watch yugioh (the first couple of seasons), samurai jack, thats all i remember for now
  2. serbiansnaga


    "put it in ban protest" lolwut? also, he usually jokes a lot when hes on, he may take it too far at times but its dealt with quickly
  3. serbiansnaga


    oh aaron, i say we argue this issue for the next 3 days and then come to a decision on whether or not aaron gets unbanned
  4. get a better pc and buy it for pc if u can, developers are spending mroe time on the pc version than the console version
  5. im a week behind posts and stuff cause of cuba trip, also ben forum spammed like a mofo to get mod from what i remember, and ero was closing threads and **** so he had to post on them. also im the highest elite member here in terms of rank, so that makes me better than everyone else and u should all worship me, not rly though
  6. serbiansnaga

    Game time!

    killed him and he died, forever.
  7. i just put 7 proxies between me and the anti-spam plugin, proceed towards my specific direction with malicious intent chap
  8. ooo bad idea to put that, we look down on trolls and are cracking down on them, if i were u, i would not troll on the xg servers, cause if u do, ppl will get pissed and mods/admins as well. play more on the xg servers, preferably jailbreak cause thats where u're most likely to get noticed, be a t more than a ct, cause if u screw up as ct, ppl will get more pissed, if ur a t and u're a good reboobler (rebeller) then ppl will look favorably to that
  9. u know how the seniors usually pick on the freshmen and stuff? when i went to highschool as a freshman, no one ****ed with me and i mean no one, i was 6 mother****ing 7 and ppl just walked by without saying anything, it made me feel *maniacal laughter* as everyone else got snowjobbed and ****. trust me though, high school is gonna be fun, just stay positive, meet wee-mons (women) and make as many friends as possible, also, try to befriend some of the older ppl or get some advice from them, hopefully they wont act like total dicks to u and might actually help u out there. is good life experience, enjoy duckiijr
  10. u kill everyone, spare no one, not even urself, then u do it in real life
  11. serbiansnaga

    Game time!

    then he died. The end
  12. +1 knows the rules, cool guy to play with, knowledge of server running **** and stuff, would be useful addition to clan
  13. tldr ill just kill everyone i see regardless of whether im innocent or a traitor edit: just read it now cause i was bored, makes sense and should be used as a guideline or put into the motd, could add more stuff as TTT evolves and progresses
  14. 904/M/TARDIS Proceed in my direction with malicious intent chap
  15. bye bye jesus internet, it was really fast having u
  16. i knew it, once u leave xg, ull want to come back, THEY ALWAYS DO!!! lol hehe
  17. sad music with an abused dog....*holding back tears*, thank god the dog was saved and from the video it looks pretty damn happy
  18. all day every day mo****ers
  19. if we can get enough ppl to agree to this then sure, im all for it, dont play gmod anyway, might as well start now
  20. +1 knows the rules, when he breaks rules he slays himself for it, keeps beating me in gun toss though
  21. +1 knows how to warden, but has to be more careful when making decisions as to killing ts and such
  22. +1 knows his stuff, should read the motd (not saying he broke the rules or anything, just saying it as a tip)
  23. c&c 4 is a terrible game compared to the other c&c games, i say stick with command and conquer 3, those are the good ones
  24. serbiansnaga


    k, see u when u get back