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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. -1 u were told like 10 times to take off the xg tag, u cant have it if ur not accepted or not in the clan
  2. u just bought urself a 6 yr ban aaron, would u like to keep or pass the ban?
  3. okay then, whos the tallest xg member here? im 6'7, i win
  4. maturity does not come with age
  5. he cut himself over teamspeak and told us how its bleeding profusely and how he cut it short but deep, and that it bled through the bandages and that he might need stitches. he also "i might die from this" and i told him to go to the hospital and he said "nah i dont need to for this" and i was like wtf ur bleeding and u say u might die yet u dont go, then stuff and such happened, he dunked his hand in cold water and it stopped bleeding, the end.
  6. how about "whos the worst admin and why should they be demoted?" sounds good, anyone else?
  7. i use this stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR2nso47lm4
  8. sakurai get ur **** straight, drank is 18, duckii jr is 15, kevin shady was recommended by aegean and he said that he knows the rules very well, and peechis jr is 14, we dont let 10-13 yr olds in the clan and ask an admin or mod to mute them or tell them to shut up
  9. serbiansnaga


    srry but a -1 for me, from what ive seen from u, ur either a troll or ur doing some weird accent thats kinda annoying, ur an ok warden
  10. play more on our servers, get to know some of the members and admins, dont be a **** and dont troll and ull have no trouble getting along with others, also contribute to the clan (suggestions to improve, maps that u want added, plugins that are good that u know of etc)
  11. quick heads up, jay breezy is a ****ing beast (compliment) when hes drunk/high, u dont wanna miss the show when hes on minigames, funniest game of my life
  12. serbiansnaga


    im kinda divided on this issue, but whether or not u are scripting (not saying u are), dont do fps_max 54 because some might misinterpret it as scripting, talk to duckii and ask her to see whether or not she thinks ur scripting, she handles stuff like hacking, exploits, etc so she would be the expert in this area
  13. if the t leaves on deathrun dont cts win round automatically?
  14. colour i dont see u active on the servers either, except those couple of times that u were on gungame and stuff, also im in jb but i almost always go in spectator to watch for freekillers, vent breakers, hackers etc. u prob look for my name in the player list and not find it, also im active later on in the day, and im on ts and forums every day, so idk what u're talking about but ur entitled to ur opinion so ill let u say what u want to say
  15. brian has chocolate in his case
  16. reflect on my past actions and choices and see if i regretted any, also take the time and enjoy what little i have left by sitting on my balcony looking over the city
  17. ya we should get something like this, we need to organize this clan, if we are gonna be big then we need structure to the leadership
  18. serbiansnaga


    i dont think u can change ur hat pack once uve chosen it, cause then anyone who bought a hat pack would have access to all of them, just not at the same time
  19. its cause he forgot his bra or they took it from him cause they have a country wide bra shortage
  20. we have a zombie mod server, but its zmod/escape, switches between the two, if u can get it populated, than that would be cool, type in !server and ull see it
  21. esea? its mlg for css but how does that help him though? not saying u did anything wrong, just curious
  22. ill just leave this here [ATTACH]310.vB[/ATTACH]
  23. about the server hosting thing, ull have to talk to silence about that, he handles all the server stuff and such
  24. even though mods said it contained no nudity, they do have to realize that what might not be offensive to them may be to others and that if someone asked them to remove a spray because they saw it as inappropriate, then mods have to do what they can to either remove the spray or ask the person to change their spray