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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. Promotions aRussian from CS:GO Moderator to CS:GO Administrator Angus from Member to CS:GO Moderator Killing4Cookies from Member to CS:GO Moderator Megarobin from CSS Moderator to CSS Administrator JakeEnglish from Member to CSS Moderator Mr. Kenji from Member to TF2 Moderator Demotions tree from CS:GO Division Manager to Member (stepped down for personal reasons) Daniel from TF2 Moderator to Member (Inactive) Snakeboy(Hex) from CSS Moderator to Member (Inactive) Phantom from CSS Moderator to Member (Inactive) SuperKiller67 from CSS Moderator to Non-Member (Left) Trente from CSS Moderator to Member (Inactive) ImmolatedAnt from CSS Moderator to Member (Inactive) Theres been some issues of disrespect recently, I believe that its just the issue of the week and that it will go away soon. However, if there is someone bothering you than block communications with them, if they keep persisting, report it to a higher up and get proof of it (screenshots, demos etc.), only then we will be able to take action, we do NOT accept witnesses as evidence, either get solid proof or stop wasting our time. Another thing is if you decide to leave the clan cause of someone disrespecting you and you didn't do anything about it like you were told to, you will get no sympathy from us and will only make you look like an idiot. Post your steam ID's if you were promoted, and remember to be active on teamspeak and forums so you can get into contact with the higher ups if there is any issue.
  2. >implying i said css >implying i was being literal in every single sentence >implying u cant ignore someone on css or local mute them
  3. imo, people need to stop being such damn beta pussies, if someones bugging u, either ignore them or tell them to fuck off, it is simple as that, anyone can do it and if that doesnt stop them, then block them on ts/steam/whatever the fuck and ull NEVER HAVE TO HEAR THEM AGAIN EVER unless u decide to unblock them urself, these tools are put in place for that reason yet no one takes the initiative to consider blocking them and instead take the insults and abuse and then ragequit the clan complaining about disrespect yet they did NOTHING to put a stop to it like getting a demo or screenshots. you people need to start thinking ffs and half the problems in the css division will disappear instantly
  4. reclosed again, warrior waited the time to rejoin, ull have to wait as well superkiller -sealed away in the last great time war
  5. warrior u didnt wait that long to reapply when u left for vintage jb -reopened +1
  6. i have no idea why you just exploded in keyboard rage all over this thread, it was completely unnecessary and made you look like an idiot. the reason you gave us is bullshit from our point of view, we've heard that excuse before, and regardless of whether or not it was true, we can't accept it as a valid excuse cause then everyone would think they could use the same excuse and get away from a mass freekill. you demonstrated poor leadership by taking a personal problem between you and xg and brought in your clan as well by threatening to perm them if they played on xg servers. what they do with their steam account is their choice alone, u have no right whatsoever to even think that you can tell them to play on this server or not play on this server. how you handled this was almost the worst way possible to handle it, you are punishing your own members for a mistake that was yours and yours alone, in fact you may have fucked over your clan because of this cause i could just decide to perm all XEC members from our servers with the only way of being unbanned is to leave your clan. however, unlike you, im not a complete raging, idiot 12 year old, i THINK first and not complain like a little bitch. if you had played on xg servers before and browsed our forums, ud know that the brother or friend excuse does not and will not pass off as a valid reason, but u probably didnt and are saying that as a way to curry favor among others to make urself look like ur a long time player or something. on a related note, it was a 1 week ban and you're seriously butthurt this badly? if anything i should just server ban you perm so we never have to deal with the likes of you again, i know plenty of my members would enjoy seeing that come to fruition. you're not getting unbanned, as for the perm server ban for you, ill think about that, be lucky that your members arent getting banned from our servers P.S. unrelated to topic, your grammar is god awful, please go out and buy every single version of reader rabbit and play it until you remember even a shred of proper english -sealed away in the last great time war
  7. closing this thread, silence banned u and only he has the decision to unban you, from what im seeing so far, it doesnt look like it will be anytime soon thats for sure @@Rhododendron reply to this thread already
  8. no thanks, ur like 12 years old lel
  9. serbiansnaga

    Great Job

    matsi shut the fuck up, if we wanted your opinion we would ask for it, until then, try a little something called "not opening ur mouth or mashing ur keyboard" just adding that, also anyone causing grief to 8bit or his servers will be permed and kicked out from the clan, u will never be able to be unbanned either
  10. dont gravedig posts that are more than a month old -sealed away in the last great time war
  11. +1 CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, clickhttps://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -sealed away in the last great time war
  12. ur not getting moderator -sealed away in the last great time war
  13. death sod and death god arent related, he just took his name from death god, dk why though
  14. the rule will be removed, dont complain when u get demoted for not being on teamspeak though -sealed away in the last great time war
  15. the teamspeak activity rule will be removed, however dont complain if u get demoted for not being on teamspeak though
  16. just bump it every now and then and refer ppl to the thread
  17. Promotions Daddiodoug from CSS Paid Moderator to CSS Moderator RainbowDashie from CSS Paid Moderator to CSS Moderator African from TF2 Moderator to TF2 Administrator Volt from CS:GO Paid Moderator to CS:GO Moderator Demotions John Wilkes Booth from CSS Division Manager to CSS Administrator (Inactive) Warriorsfury from CSS Administrator to CSS Moderator (Abused) Goat from CSS Moderator to Member (Inactive) IEcho from CSS Administrator to Non-Member (Abused and left) Crabman from CSS Moderator to Non-Member (Left) Nova from CS:GO Administrator to CS:GO Moderator (Inactive) Corvo from CS:GO Administrator to CS:GO Moderator (Abused powers while server was broken) Tchief from CS:GO Administrator to CS:GO Moderator (Inactive) Line from CS:GO Administrator to CS:GO Moderator (Inactive) Coodie from CS:GO Moderator to Member (Inactive) Squeak from CS:GO Moderator to Member (Inactive) AgH from CS:GO Moderator to Member (Inactive) Ebic from CS:GO Moderator to Member (Abused powers while server was broken) Stupercrossman from TF2 Moderator to Member (Inactive) Purpleboo from TF2 Paid Administrator to Member (Inactive) Remember to be active on teamspeak and forums if you want to be promoted, also kissing ass or trying to be funny by saying something that you think is funny yet no one else is laughing will make you look like an idiot, so stop it. It's better to not say anything than say something dumb and look dumber as a result.
  18. unbanned -sealed away in the last great time war
  19. if u went back into the channel than you knew that u were going into darkwolfs channel, cause u have to double click on his channel to get there, and theres a pretty big gap between his and warriors channel, so u wouldve seen warriors channel and the regulars in there, meaning u went back into darkwolfs channel knowing it was his, on top of that u would see whos in the channel as well, so idk how u missed that part either. also channel admins dont need a reason to blacklist you, they paid for the channel therefore they have control of who can be in it and who cant. only time they would need a reason is if i ask them why they did it if its just out of the blue with no explanation (ie. warrior blacklists pepperphreak out of nowhere, id look into it and find out why he did it) deal with it minecrack, u dun goofed, ill reduce it to an hour and change the rule so that its punishable up to an hour cause a day is too much imo -sealed away in the last great time war