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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Agreed 10charsuckonmyleftnutandgo♥♥♥♥yourself
  2. Since when r we taking donations for admin o.o
  3. HighSociety


    -1 or unban...i wouldve permed...u got lucky...
  4. I was there...i suggested the ban. We asked u multiple times y u killed him, then u left. Freekill then leave=perm... ---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 AM ---------- Not to mention ive had many problems with u b4
  5. HighSociety


    -1 or unban...if u rage and freekill...ull do it again. Freekill then flee to avoid consequences is an automatic perm ban. chances are ur not getting unbanned bro
  6. HighSociety


    Every mod asked who u were... no answer...
  7. HighSociety


    In the words of the great soiarn...OLD POST IS OLD...:) sorry couldnt resist :P
  8. Pssssst aegean, close so i cant soiarn the ♥♥♥♥ outta this thread ;)
  9. +1 cuz i dont like to fit in :D
  10. +1 or ban, trolls ALL TEH TIMEEE
  11. HighSociety


    +1 or ban, disrespects me, and everyone else when hes on. I usually hav to kick/ban him
  12. HighSociety


    Carissimi, pyro, and i think briam were on. Maybe papi too. They can vouch...
  13. HighSociety


    lol i knew this was coming...when i saw a mod kick him for trolling, and he came back in saying "nice abuse" i banned...cuz he constantly trolls xG and its members. every time hes on he trolls/♥♥♥♥♥es...i stand by my decision.
  14. Kevin, i dont hav any problems with u as a person, but i get angry when people troll eachother and drag others into their ♥♥♥♥. Solve it on steam, not here
  15. +1 never had any problems with him. Very cool dude, knows the rules
  16. U both trollfest eachother. U both do ABSOLUTLY nothing...besides for flame on the other. Neither of u do anything for this clan besides initiate ♥♥♥♥♥fests. Were all pretty tired of it
  17. I gagged him after i gagged u...and what he said was nowhere NEAR trolling lol... ---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ---------- And carl dropped it when i told him to, u didnt...
  18. I say we ban both of them and b done with it. Theyve had issues in the past with eachother
  19. I was the mod who banned him. I saw the entire thing happen, and garrus clearly started it...i have pics that i will post when i get home (im on my phone right now). I gagged BOTH of them telling them to stop. Carl dropped it...garrus didnt. At this point, i was fed up with garrus' ♥♥♥♥ (he ♥♥♥♥ed up alot earlier today) so i kicked him. He came back in and flamed up again, so i banned him. Its only for a day...wait it out and quit whining... ---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ---------- And to clarify, i resolved the situation with the ct that killed carl. He slayed himself. Carl stated "garrus, u didnt see me throw the grenade". Which is in no way trolling...and garrus started flaming. ---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ---------- Btw, ur ban will probably b done by the time i get around to posting pics
  20. LOL hes been in for a long time? With only 2 posts? Doubt it buddy...try to b more active
  21. HighSociety


  22. -1 knows rules but doesnt follow them