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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Because jb. Always feels the need to post some useless crap to make himself seem relevant...
  2. G. R. A. T. Z. = go ♥♥♥♥ a tiny zebra :)
  3. Ehhhh, im gonna -1. Hes displayed no knowledge of the rules when im on. Hes been ct banned twice already. If he agrees to stay off ct for awhile to learn the rules...ill change my vouch
  4. Lol non alcoholic ♥♥♥...alcohols where its at *pops open a bottle of vodka* NIGHT ;D
  6. -1 bcuz of what aegean said, and i dont believe it would b possible without giving everyone forum mod...but i do believe the mods/admins/div leaders should hav forum mod to b able to monitor forums. Or at least admins and up.
  7. -1 or derping. Rexx=pro stalker
  8. +1 cuz anyone related to meowmix is epic :D
  9. I was honestly surprised he hasnt been promoted yet...so obviously +1. I believe hed be a great asset to xG
  10. Ive never abused my powers. Maybe a little when i was just starting as most of us do...but lately, i havent. I judge the situation, and do what me and the admins who r on think is correct. I almost never act without consulting another moderator
  11. Lol i never said i didnt care about my mod...i just dont care what little kids on the internet think of me.
  12. Lol yupp, u got me...corrupt as hell. With all this power...in a game -.- U sir fail at logic. this conversation is over. Good bye
  13. lol i was next to my cell responding to admin chat. the warden said freeze...so i didnt move. then he said all ts back away from the door. so i regrouped. i wasnt supposed to b frozen at that point...thats y he said "all ts" ---------- Post added at 02:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 AM ---------- i would also like to add that after my ban was up, he got ct banned AGAIN for armory camping by someone else
  14. HighSociety


    Praise tha lord oh lordy lordy lordy
  15. 1...no proof 2...as i was following orders he killed me 3...next round he killed a t DIRECTLY after the t picked up a gun...no warning nothing...he proceded to do this to ANOTHER t the next round. which is when i teambanned him for like an hour so he could brush up on the MOTD. ---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ---------- he did not kill another guy when he killed me, thats not y i ct banned him. and the orders were "all ts freeze" then ten seconds later "all ts back away from the door" thats when i moved to back away from the door...and he FKed me...
  16. Im beginning to think my pings a stoner...cuz its always high....
  17. Uh oh...that was ur hamper...sorry... ---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ---------- ♥♥♥♥, i should really start writing ur names down...
  18. Ifap.to off of ur mobile phone has EVERYTHINGGG anyone know kayden kross? DAMNNNNN
  19. +1...very mature for his age