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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. WTFFFFFF? ABOOSE THAT ADMIN HAD NO REASON TO PERMBAN. +1 for unban? :P on a serious note, we will miss u rexx
  2. Well played jay, well played ;)
  3. We should hav a !suicide menu. Then i can choose my poison :3
  4. Rexx, if i remember correctly, u were banned for trolling at one point too, correct? So give him another chance like you got...u became mod. At least let him attempt to b better...
  5. HighSociety


    As he should b IMO...till he gets better aim and doesnt freekill 5 t's while trying to shoot a rebel...-1 for unban.
  6. HighSociety


    How bout we stop the petty flame war between rexx and this kid, unban, and close tha motha♥♥♥♥in thread? ---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ---------- And can i PLEASE get a permanent ban on this aegean guy? Hes seriously starting to bug me, where does he get off telling people "♥♥♥♥ you, our clan is too good for you, try to get better, then come back in a week" i mean REALLY...those were his exact words btw, u can check :P
  7. HighSociety


    No proof +1 to keep modddddd
  8. +1 for unban, i like this kid. I say give him another chance
  9. As a mod, im gonna have to -1 for CSS...whenever im on, it seems like he tries to tell me what to do. And when he attempts to tell me rules, theyre generally incorrect...and sometimes spams and gets somewhat angry when i dont do anything about it, cuz i didnt c it. I like the kid, but he needs to brush up on the rules a bit b4 i change my vouch
  10. HighSociety


    +1 for unban...josh is one of the best mods in xG, and also one of my best friends in xG...hes done nothing but help xG. i not only +1 for unban, but +1 for admin as well. LONG LIVE THE FAMILY :D
  11. Trololo aegean will never b cured of his homosexuality/herpes...does this mean im getting demoted? Cuz personally, i think i should get promoted cuz everyone who picks on aegean gets promoted :D i love mah logicssss :P
  12. HighSociety


    Vero is verosexual...nuff said
  13. HighSociety


    Kenneh :ddd +1111111111111112 <3 :p
  14. Lol calm down kb, zapper will do fine...i think the real question is... HOW THA ♥♥♥♥ DID REXX GET MOD?? xD jk rexx <3
  15. +1000000000 this kids awesome. Just found out he lives like 15 minutes away from me lulz :P
  16. +1 i love this kid :P extra homo
  17. -1 i played on minigames for a LONG time with this guy and king J today...hes chill as hell man. I love this kid
  18. Lol jay...n aegean, who r u kidding? Since duckii left, uve been aboosing lika boss ;D
  19. He'll be back...they all come back to papa poncher ;D