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  1. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy reacted to MagicalPurple in My dog died   
  2. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to John in Concerning tazing on LR   
    No, this rule will not be changed. It's a completely unfair advantage to the CT's, you get health based on the number of CT's alive. If you get tazed with 200, or even 800 health it only takes a few CT's training their guns on you to kill you. Considering you're slowed, and made much easier to hit because you can't crouch.
  3. Ding!
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Forest in CT/Guard allowingnessnesslessness?   
    This is the 20th(if not more) time someone has made a thread on this.
    Its a good idea, but we have admins and mods for a reason
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Gkoo in Give us back PermBans   
    >>ShadowSpy now entered in the "random" demotion raffle.
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DCook in Give us back PermBans   
    @@Forest Instead of removing perm for mods, remove something like smite that we dont NEED.
    Like diabeetus said, we all earned our mod (Unless you paid for it or humped a higerups dick), we should still have access to the commands we need, like perm.
  6. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rhododendron in Hu..b Replacement   
    We are using that, but I'm coding addloads of plugins to extend it (think around 5000 items) to avoid crashing the economy of herb again.
  7. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Gkoo in Give us back PermBans   
    Nah. Rank up.
    A moderator is just an admin in learning. If you haven't been promoted yet, you doing a shitty job. lol
  8. Drunk
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Brian in Rate This Post Asian   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!

    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!

    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/


  9. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to LeToucan in Give us back PermBans   
    admin in learning
  10. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Sousei in GameCube's Original TTT Minigames   
    Hot potoa
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrSaturday in Hu..b Replacement   
    Back in 2010-2011, before h-.ub, we had Hat Packs. You would donate 10 or 15 dollars, i dont remember which it was.
    It brought in less money than hu-.b since you'd get everything the first time you donated(other than the other hats), but had the same features.
    When you bought a hat pack, you would get the hats, and instantly have all the Trails, Coloring, tracers etc. automatically.
    Im wondering if this is easier to code or if its one of the things starbuck coded for us.
    I don't know who would code it, but if we can't get hu-.b if possible this would be nice as a replacement.
  12. Ding!
    xGShadowSpy reacted to serbiansnaga in Staff Award   
    id like to thank rhododendron for my award, he has been an inspiration for me to push myself to be less than what i was in the past, his achievements such as the successful launch and huge popularity of hu.b has led xg to be bigger and better than what it was in the past, with populated servers and a mature, respected community.
    thank you based rhododendron
  13. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Lemons in Hu..b Replacement   
    Back in 2010-2011, before h-.ub, we had Hat Packs. You would donate 10 or 15 dollars, i dont remember which it was.
    It brought in less money than hu-.b since you'd get everything the first time you donated(other than the other hats), but had the same features.
    When you bought a hat pack, you would get the hats, and instantly have all the Trails, Coloring, tracers etc. automatically.
    Im wondering if this is easier to code or if its one of the things starbuck coded for us.
    I don't know who would code it, but if we can't get hu-.b if possible this would be nice as a replacement.
  14. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DeathGod in Best Songs   
    I listen to this when Im trying to sleep. Really relaxing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S8ynIDYyG4
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Leotekk in Tiger - Counter-Strike: Source   
    His previous name was V3tis if anyone doesn't recognize this name
    +1, active, mature, fun player who knows the rules, Doesn't smell like @@Leotekk Or @@Eden.
    A:8 (Because 10/10 means hes on every second of every day, them baddies doing 10/10)
  16. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SonicRainbow in Staff Award   
    My name is RainbowDashie giving out the first Staff Award!
    The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in Css xenoGamers.
    This Month's award goes to @@GanjaMonster
    GanjaMonster has been very very active since he's gotten his powers.
    Literally 24/7. He's on everytime I play
    Not only has this person been very active, he tends to do his job full time throughout all he's been on.
    GanjaMonster is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get moderator.
    He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true moderator.
    Here's Your Award

  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Leotekk in MS Paint Commissions.   
    @@diabeetus how much for a portrait of old,fat shadowspy?
  18. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to LastGame in GameCube's Original TTT Minigames   
    You heard that right. I will post games that i have found that work and are fun.
    Such as....
    Jihad hot potoa (fuck spelling) If you want to play get a t to buy a jihad bomb, get a group of freinds shout over mic or type in chat we are playing this game. So you aren't killed. To play you arm the jihad then press q as quickly as possible. The hot part that if you pick it up to fast it will go off. Just if it goes off when you pick it up it wont count towards you but the t who bought it( still needs to be tested). Forwarning dont be a fool and HOLD THE FUCKING THING IN YOUR HAND LIKE ITS A TEDDY BEAR. We are not liable for any deaths or injuries for someone holding the bomb.
    Knife throwing contest of death. You get a t and like a couple people and form a shape that has at least everyone 12 shotguns away from each other. The rules are that the person with the knife first throws it at someone. You can't move in this game only to pick up the knife thrown at you( ducking and jumping is allowed. People should throw the knife untill it finds itself in someone's ribs.
    If you like to rp there are many situtions(fuck spelling) suicide jumper on rooftops, hostage sitituions(fuck spelling) and many more fun rp'ing.
    I will be updateing this with more idea's. This is just to make the game funner.
  19. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SonicRainbow in Staff Award   
    I did -.-
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to diabeetus in Staff Award   
    Ok, then who was involved in this award? You can't just say that you did and not provide any other names lel.
  21. Friendly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from SyrJirk in Done for now   
    Lol I remember that conversation.
    Good luck syrjirk, hope you find something to interest you.
  22. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from snakeboyeric in Serial Killer Cards - Shameless self-promotion   
    Lol make it a card game.
    Jack The Ripper uses stab attack, super effective!
  23. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Lemons in jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source   
  24. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from John in jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source   
  25. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source