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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Jacob in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You disobeyed direct orders not to do these sort of days/actions by Higher-Ups, and proceeded to do them; even when given a warning that a demotion may be in order should they continue.
    You're going on like a broken-record and just re-stating the same thing over and over. You're over thinking things way too much. This isn't entirely about breaking rules, and I don't think you are getting that. It's about the decision you made to carry on these sort of things when told not to.
    Instead of bringing it up with any other Higher-Up to discuss or even serbian for that matter, you acted irrationally and proceeded to do them, knowing full-well what the consequences may be because you believed it was within the boundaries.
    If I get a reply regarding the same exact thing you just posted throughout this thread, I won't even reply; and that's not because I won't listen. It's because you won't listen. You were not demoted strictly for rule breaking. You were demoted because you were not respecting what the Division Managers had warned you about and you acted irrationally by ignoring those warnings.
    I didn't say I did nothing wrong, all I said is you all went too far with the punishment, I'm reading what you say, I am listening. I did stuff wrong, I ignored you with the warday and trust day, once each time. Not once did I say I didn't ignore you. Now I would hope you ATLEAST answer me 1 question, I don't care if you disregard anything else I said here, just this ONE question.
    Did what I did, TRULY hurt the server, or even the players at the time, or is it something you guys are just going to say "Don't care, still ignored us" about?
  2. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from PlueAK in Onward - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hub is back!
  3. Useful
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Onward - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hub is back!
  4. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in Onward - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hub is back!
  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You all need to realize that this issues stretches far being the issue of getting Shadow back to admin. This is the reason that the clan is so different, that its no longer fun or engaging for many members.
    1) We have people plotting against each other to get each other demotions, although for a long time one of the sides had absolutely no reason to and has caused this entire thing to occur.
    Everyone knows that there is a grudge, or something similar, between Darkwolf and shadow. Whatever, that craps happens and there is never anything you can do about it. Its also not anything that would ruin the experience for everyone else... until it escalates. I know very well that both sides have been wanting each other for various reasons, but what starts to become an issue is when the plot against each other to get them demoted. Shadow has relied on the community to back up his accusations against Dark, which IMO have been held up fairly well. On the other hand, Darkwolf seeks information to get him demoted. Don't start with the excuses again, I know that you have been trying to get him demoted for a long time. Sitting in spec just waiting for something to go wrong isn't the way to go about it. It's fine if someone messages you and says that Shadow is breaking a rule, but its not fine when you ask people to watch him for you. Then to get on, sit in spec with tags off, and demo until something goes wrong... thats called spying. The only time I would find that acceptable is when there is excessive complaints from the community about a person (Michael) and they are ruining the experience through their actions. Shadow is more than capable at his job, and makes it a good experience. Just because you and your friends want him demoted doesn't give you reason to sit back and spy until he does something wrong just for the fact that you can get him demoted. Gkoo isn't on the server enough to get the full story of this, nor is he very assertive. I can assume with certainty that you told him you wanted to demote shadow, and he more than willingly agreed without any questioning.
    2) People are coming up with bs reasons and excuses to back up their "friends" side of the argument.
    Just go back to the other thread, look at all the people coming up with bs reasons to protect both you and shadow. Two sides, its like a damn clan war within a clan. Stop protecting your friends and put some logic behind your arguments.
    3) There is fear to speak up against those in power, fear that you will be put on the bad side of a DM or worse... demoted.
    If people are in fear of speaking the truth or whats on their mind, then there is a serious problem with the leadership. Letting people freely speak what they think, their opinions, and being able to present less than favorable proof is key to having a good relationship between everybody. DM's are the go-to people, the ones who have to handle all of the issues and complaints. You cannot allow your own opinions and anger influence what people say. This has happened before with you Dark, and that last thread was a warning, yet it seems like this hasn't changed.
    4) Lying. Cover ups.
    All of you might as well go back to your posts and highlight every lie in neon green, because they are that easy to see. Stop the lying and grow up, you want to know the truth: Dark absolutely despises shadow and wants him demoted, he has a hard time doing this because he can't always be on watching so he asks his friends to tell him if he is doing something wrong. The second he does he hops on in spec to demo, hoping to catch him with anything that can be used. Shadow hates dark, both for targeting him and for other unknown reasons. It would make his day for dark to lose DM, but he also finds it hard to get enough proof. Shadow then takes it to the forum to rally everyone together in hopes something will change.
    And stop covering up all of the stuff you both do, its as easy to spot as the lies. Dark, I see a lot of excuses to cover up your real motives. Its not like we cant figure out you both despise each other and want each other demoted.
    Whats the big picture of all of this?
    The hostility that has been created is not acceptable, nor is the fact that we have people in higher positions just waiting for the reason to demoted someone because they dont particularly like said person. Warnings were already given to darkwolf, and as far as I remember he understood them and was going to do better. I like dark as a person, he can be very respectful, helpful, and overall friendly. But the amount of people who are in fear of saying something.. well they dont say anything. Its been a problem for many months now. You cannot be biased as a DM.
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others
    The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to.
    The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started.
    Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.
  7. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from SonicRainbow in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others
    The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to.
    The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started.
    Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Superkiller67 in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others
    The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to.
    The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started.
    Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.
  9. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   

    It would be about the same thing though. If you exclude a T, whether they're there or not, having two Ts participating in the FR/LR would be very similar to determining LR with it. It would pretty much be a loophole on how to do it down to LR, while not activating LR by playing it.

    The first warday inside of race on Tiles, was not valid at all. This was already determined. Two doors can't be open at the same time. One closes, the other opens, and vice versa. This means its a one entrance area that he was warned not to do again.


    I don't have any problem with Shadowspy. Gkoo and I both agreed Shadowspy was ignoring us after we warned him previously, and finally decided to take action. Shadowspy is pointing out that Serbian said not to treat different people differently; well we aren't. He is being treated the same. We gave our warnings. He ignored our orders. Just because it was done as a CT doesn't make it different. He was a staff member who we expect to be a role model to the lower ranks and other players.
    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
    As far as the "Similar to determining LR" part goes, I didn't do it for LR , there is no other real way to put it unless you're trying to find an excuse to make it look bad, Loopholing is exploiting a rule when it doesn't really specify something, then you abuse the part that isn't specified. I saw "You cannot do for LR" and I acted off of that.
    The warday in race on tile map, dark is correct, 1 is open at a time, but now that I actually think about it, that doesn't make it not 2 entrances, and it doesn't make the other door stay closed, the Ts can just press the button to open that one RIGHT after the other closes, there's no timer for how long you can open it afterwards as far as I see. So even though 1 is open at a time, it's easy to open the other really fast after the other T goes in, and it's still two entrances, so although I was warned for it, it's still a valid spot.
    Ignoring DMs- So if a DM tells me not to do something like trivia (that is in the motd) , even though its something in the motd I would have to listen? I would think not. Obviously I have listened to them for the most part, and the only reason I did any of these things (warday in race and trust day on station) over again after being told no is because there is no reason that it shouldn't be allowed. If the only reason it's not allowed is "Because I said so" (from a DM) then wtf? I wouldn't see a point.
    Trust Days- The one on blackout was wrong and I haven't done one since, the one on station ISN'T wrong because it's their choice, and yes hidingmaster im sure Ts will rebel, but that's only because they're Ts and that's what they do, I didn't say to go in armory, or imply it, like I said earlier does that mean we cant put them in big cage if it has any vents? It makes no sense. And I didn't ignore darkwolf on the trust days with station, I didn't do it a 2nd time, I moved the spray farther away and had them go into ST room.
    @@DarkWolf6052 , yes if another ADMIN did this stuff, he COULD be treated the same, but if you can't treat me the same as someone who doesn't have something like staff powers, you're doing something wrong, you can't change punishment due to ranking in the clan.
    @@Hidingmaster What you mentioned about the "Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment?", as far as darkwolf himself goes, I'd definitely say so, without a single doubt, any time I was on he PURPOSELY sat in spec to get proof on me for the demotion, now I wouldn't mind if it was for a reason other than he WANTED to get me demoted just because I want him demoted.
  10. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from sqwurt in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    Lol, making this thread just gave him 11 more negative ratings so far
  11. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from sqwurt in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  12. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from SonicRainbow in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source
    In-Game Name:

    Steam ID:


    I wasn't banned, but theres no real section for this so....
    First things first, i ask you not immediately close this, if it turns into a flame war, just ban the person doing it.
    Second, this isn't off of me personally, people keep telling me i shouldn't be demoted for what I did, so im making it.
    Alright, to start, ill say what the demote reason was
    Loopholing- Finding an exploit in a rule, and using it to your advantage
    Not listening to DMs- thats self explanatory
    What i'll admit to - I did get warned about doing warday in certain invalid areas, and proceeded to do so anyway, the DMs had a talk with me about it on forums through private conversation, and on teamspeak once, so I can't say I wasn't warned for that.
    What I think was wrong about the demote - Even though I did the wardays in the invalid areas i.e race on tile, it has two spots to go in, but only one can be open at a time, opening one closes the other, deathrun on blackout(which is a valid spot imo, but was told not to because it could cause freekills), and a few more i dont remember off the top of my head, but i still did them. If any regular warden did that they'd be CT banned ( for however many times he did it, and for how severe they were ) The punishment shouldn't be demote just because i'm an admin.
    As for the loopholing part - *STRAIGHT FROM THE MOTD* - "First/last reaction cannot be played to determine lr."
    So i'm doing a round of wardening on sand, theres maybe 8 to 10 Ts , I say i'm going to do trivia to exclude 2 Ts from Fr/Lr, so 2 Ts get excluded, 1 being @@SonicRainbow , and 1 other who I dont remember, then i do first reaction last reaction with the main group, there is 2 ts that i excluded alive, and 2 ts still playing alive, note that you can't do it for LR. So with the 2 unexcluded Ts, i get rid of one more, making 2 excluded alive and 1 of the main group, darkwolf then slayed me and said "You can't do that with 2 Ts" (Which is found nowhere in the rules), I ended up doing it again on some other map, Then I was accused of loopholing for doing that, even though loopholing is exploiting a rule, I only looked for what I could do, and acted upon it.
    Thats basically it, im only asking for an un-demote since the stuff I was demoted for was invalid ( the loopholing part was invalid) and the Invalid warday parts (not listening to DMs) was taken too far, when at most that should only be a CT ban, for the amount of times i've done it i'd say a week or month CT ban. You also can't just not acknowledge the fact that im currently the most/second most active admin, and that i've been playing xG longer than all the current CS:S Mods, admins, DMs, and our CS:S Div leader .
    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Hidingmaster
    EDIT: I want to add something. I don't want anyone +1'ing this for the sole reason of being my friend give a reason please, and likewise i would hope people dont -1 for the reason of being my enemy, or that your "friend doesnt like me so you shouldnt like me either".
    Give your true and honest opinion on the situation
  13. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Sousei in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  14. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from SkitZoFrenzly. in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Brian in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  16. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Superkiller67 in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  17. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Cloud in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  18. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  19. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MuffinMonster in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    It's only ratings
  20. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Warriorsfury in Reasons why ratings should be deleted:   
    Remove pl0x

  21. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rhododendron in Banner?   
  22. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from LapisLazuli in What car should I get?   
  23. Funny
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Reflex in What car should I get?   
    save your money dude.
    this mfuking ride is half off . cant say no

  24. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DeathGod in What car should I get?   
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Nymph in Vacation time   
    Diabeetus = Die Ya Fetus