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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy


    Okay, well, from what I see, you did technically abuse, but if what you're saying is true, I'd have no problem with what you did (Kept getting switched off ct when you wanted to do a certain day) so you just transfered yourself, bought the day, then went back. That would've been fine with me, but if i were you, I wouldn't of gone into that one cell, maybe a different one then went into it, just to be fair.. But, overall, -1..
  2. easy

    Wtf happened?

    A clan Syn (Trollface) made. Also, I agree with jay. It feels more like a babysitting service more than a game.
  3. easy

    Sorry? :$

    I see that white text.. & @@serbiansnaga is a wus. He can't do anything...
  4. easy


    Actually, you are wrong. Killaconnor did get a warning, several actually. & Also him spamming my chat with "Nigger" showed his immaturaty. I could care less if it was racist or not. Killa, deserved to be kicked out. Stego, does not. You can question me all you want, but that is what I think. Last point; He was destructive to the community, because he did nothing good for the community, when stego, reports rule breakers, even though he does it on the tiniest thing, he still does it. Most people just complain about how we don't do our jobs. EDIT: @@GanjaMonster I meen like a real warning. One he'll actually pay attention to, & have it as a wake up call.
  5. easy


    Honestly, you guys need to put your big boy pants on and stop getting mad over little things. So what if he gets mad, everyone does. Not one of you can say you've never been mad at a person over something they've done. Now, I do agree, stego does tend to take it out of hand sometimes, but if that's what gets people kicked out of xG, we'd have like no members. He should be warned about what he's doing, tell him if he doesn't shape up he'll get banned, kicked out of xG, whatever. tl;dr. Get over yourselfs and stop complaining so much. It's the internet, no one will be perfect. -1 On kicked out of xG, +1 on warning.
  6. easy

    Sorry? :$

    Sorry for not being AS active as I could on forums, or in-game for that matter. I'll try and be more active. :)
  7. -1. C-C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAAAAAAAKEER. Jk, +1 :) No need to explain, just.. just +1..
  8. I like this guy, and I actually think he's legit. I share my account.. why couldn't he? Perfectly logic imo. I say we unban him but keep a close eye out.. +1
  9. You just came back from being really inactive.. I'd wait like a week or 2, then I'll +1 :)
  10. +1 No question.. & I'm an oldfag too..
  11. easy

    Active admins

    che nika, wez be playin dat till 2020 yo. We be reppin dat m4's and dos ak's, ya hear me nika? But seriously, it does get boring. That's why I took the break for a month, I wanted to see what it would be like to ENJOY LIFE. You can't play css always.. If you need to settle something between 2 mods, why don't you, i don't know... FIGURE IT OUT. Okay? Good day..
  12. +1, he spammed me with "Nigger" over steam, which caused me to delete him, and he spams it in the website chat box. Also, as you can see, he spams "Digger Nicks" in chat A LOT. Xeno Gamers - Search I say we have him either stripped from xG, or banned.. or both? LOLOL
  13. Highlight my post, it was about you..
  14. Okay, well I took my break, and I'm back. I'll be more active on forums and servers again :) I missed you all.. 'cept you.. I hate you
  15. Xeno Gamers - Search (Page 6) Your story seems a little shaky, for 1, you said it happened at night, when infact it was at 4-6 a.m. Also, if your grandma did pass, why would you be on CS:S? Shouldn't you have something better to do? Also, you blatantly said "I'm going to keep breaking rules till I get banned" so, honestly, I think you should be banned from the servers as well, but that's not up to me... -1 on the ct unban EDIT: You said you have plenty of other servers to play on as well, so why don't you just go there? xG is "So bad" then why play on our servers?
  16. easy

    Admin Abuse by $moker

    lawl, I remember that.. you shouldn't of been demoted..
  17. Xeno Gamers - Search Pg 5-7 is the most racism.. Yeah, he'll get banned.. +1
  18. easy

    Mike Lightning

    Hmm, let's deduce this. Touch... FINGER. (You touch with your finger) he said freekill instead of slay... interesting.. IMPEACH SILENCE!
  19. easy

    Admin Abuse by $moker

    #OFWGTKA jk, skydaddy's fat.
  20. easy

    Admin Abuse by $moker

    Well, smoker you did kinda instigate it.. it's his opinion, everyone has their own opinion.. you like some music, & other people don't.. Xeno Gamers - Search Also, tyler, you've been banned before, if I'm correct.. & also, you do have a history of disrespecting Point is, you shouldn't of said I'll get your admin removed not once, but three times, & smoker shouldn't of said what he said. Xeno Gamers - Search
  21. Idk what "algebra 1 or algebra 2" is. I just go by different units. For Example, Unit 1: Hypotenuse of a right angled triangle (Easy shit, got a 98 that unit) Unit 2: Algebra e.g. 4y-3 = 6y-7+5. Unit 3: Polynomials, Binomials, Monomials, Trinomials. <--- What we're on now.
  22. easy

    Mike Lightning

    Mike Lightning is floodles..
  23. easy


    k, whatever you think. I'm done posting on this thread after this.. Also, Scary, I think i've seen you before.. & I was just stating that if mick doesn't like something that's going on, he can change it.