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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. Thanks, everyone. I'll try and come back as quick as possible. Cookie, I'll NEVER be a hobo.
  2. Also, this guy seems like a legit guy. I say we unban him, but have him perm ct banned until he's trusted aswell. +1.
  3. Thanks, hope you do well aswell, Mac N Cheese. (Little nickname I just came up with, because of your last name) LOL. & Cookie, I'm not a hobo, nor will I ever be a hobo. I am a hobo hunter. Also, you're an asian shemale. remember? ;)
  4. Right, I forgot to say why. LOOOOOOOOL. oops. Alright, well basically what I told serbian was that my grades are sucking dick, I need to catch up with my friends, my girl's probably dumpin' me, and my family is going through a rough patch.
  5. xG, from the beggining, to the end. The Start: I first played on the xG servers the end of february, I met a lot of cool people, e.g. Aegean, Billy, Serb, Quarantine, DuckiiJr, Mad Scientist, e.t.c. Back then, Aegean was only a mod, and billy & serb were only members! I started playing more and more often, and met edison, and fox mc cloud later on, around April. They made a group, and I was interested in joining, because I would've gotten powers, but little did I know, that would soon get me perm banned from xG. After about a week of joining illumin, I got banned, so, curious on why, I made a ban protest because I was banned for "General Cheating/Exploits" but, that was wrong, it was just a steam community ban on them. So, I was told the only way to get unbanned, was to leave that group. Since xG was such a nicer community, I decided to leave. I was unbanned, with the help of Arthman, Aegean, and Duckii. They were the people who I looked up to at that time, since they helped me so much, and then Aegean got me into xG. I started playing CT more, because I liked being warden, and being in control. The Beggining: This was around when I started making more friends, and more people started joining; Peechis, Drank, Pyro, Kenny, Skydaddy e.t.c. I started seeing my friends all getting mod, and it started making me want it more, but it didn't get 'till later that I really wanted it. It got so bad, that when the promo & demo came out that later had my name on it (week 25), I was kind of pressuring Aegean and after that, felt so bad, because I know how hard he works, and he's just trying to do his best. I asked him why, and I forget what he said, but then he finally said there, you're a mod. Being A Mod: I was finally a mod. It was great! Everyday, I'd come home after school, and play Jailbreak, excited to use my powers, and at first, I was really confused about everything, and then I had some people help me out with everything, and I got really good, imo. I loved helping people out, and probably played spectator waaay more than T or CT, because I loved being able to slay people :). It made me feel as if I had a purpose (Don't get me wrong, I have a great social life), but I knew no one would make fun of me, e.t.c. Being an Admin: Ahh, being an admin. Probably one of the greatest feelings for me (While in xG). It was so great, I loved it, being able to ab00se and use !vote. It was fun. I loved everyone in xG, some more than others ;). You were all great to me, and whenever you'd make fun of me, I knew you were just joking around with me. I trained some mods, and helped a lot, imo. I taught them how to use their powers properly, e.t.c. I can't believe how many people I liked from this clan who left. e.g. Peechis, Drank, Ero, Duckii, selby, sully, and a bunch of others. Now, you're all so special to me, and I could list a bunch of you, but I'd run out of space. I'll just name a few special people. @Pyro You and me were friends from when you joined xG. We talked so much, and had such great conversations. You were the coolest furry ever, and couldn't wait to become better friends with you. You've helped me through so much, and made me feel like such a special guy, thanks for everything, I couldn't of met a great buddy. @Aegean! You and Me. Oh Jeez. First off; I love you buddy. You've done SOOOOOO MUCH. Got me unbanned from xG, got me INTO xG. Got me promoted to moderator, got me promoted to admin, helped me with decisions, e.t.c. If you weren't in this clan, I can't imagine how much this clan would suck. No offence, but Aegean does SO much for xG, and you people don't realize it, and he should get a ton more respect for everything he does. Thanks again. @@serbiansnaga My canadian buddy, you and me were great friends, we'd always make jokes about each other, and you'd make fun of newmarket, when you know we're way better ;) I've had such great moments with you, and you and me can only become better friends. I hope we can keep in touch later on :) @@Mohammad Oh boy, you were so funny, I can't even tell you how many times I've laughed from talking to you! Our conversation like a week ago on TS where I was going to marry you in-game, and make a whole marriage day, but then your friend came in the server and you turned into a pussy ;) I'd like to say I helped you get mod/admin, and I hope I did get it for you, and I hope to see you get higher up, because you're a great guy! Thanks for everything you've done. All in all, xG has been a great place for me, and as the title says, I will be back, I talked to serbian about this, and he told me to get this straightened out and then come back, but I'm not leaving, persay. I'll play on the servers, not as active though. If you wish to take away my admin, I'm fine with that, but I'll be back and active as usual again soon. Like, 1-3 weeks, 1 month tops. So, I'm keeping everyone on my friends list, and still play. I'll be just as active on forums like usual. Also, here's a list of some others; @@Hudson @@themick07 @@Unique @@Heisenberg @@silence @@BillyMays @@JustinBieber @@KingJ @@Otherworldly @@Duke @CookiePrincess @@Sporky @Papichulo88 @Poncher @Smoker @@syN_ @@MuLLin @DaKorean @@Chrono @@Deodate And a bunch of others, don't be sad if your name isn't up here, I probably just forgot. I love you all<3
  6. Your steam id isn't cheezygritz. It would be something like; STEAM:0:1234567 click me to find your steam id
  7. Mick, it wasn't lag.. if you saw his ping when he pressed tab, it was like 20.. also, it doesn't really look like hacking. Also, if you think HE bhop scripts, what am I? I can bhop better than that, and I'm legit..
  8. Pffft, we had march break, nigga. Spring break is for chumps.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOaOPIXxEz0&feature=player_embedded
  10. I think, you honestly should wait a bit before you apply, because you were inactive for a couple months and just came back.. you shouldn't just come back & make a moderator app, imo.. -1 Nothing personal, you're a great guy, just was really inactive for a while..
  11. I thought you were gone for 6 weeks? lol
  12. I'm going to my cousins house till sunday, don't miss me too much ! :) Btw, I'll still be on forums..
  13. fucking fuck. loool. Jay, go drink some more.. you're more fun that way.
  14. easy

    hate him..

    You spell Al-Qaeda wrong in your bind.. gtfo. lol
  15. easy

    Figure it out

    stop ruining my fun
  16. easy

    Figure it out

    The sentence below is true The sentence above is a lie Inception... figure it out
  17. easy

    hate him..

    It's a lie...
  18. easy

    hate him..

    you're both. niener niener nieeeeeeeener
  19. easy

    hate him..

    Yes. This also proves how silly he is: [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: I'm really against all these hollacaust jokes.. anne frankly, it's pissing me off [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: LOLOLOLOLOLOL [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: idk who that is [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: but [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: anne frank? [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: sounds hawt? [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: yes [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: you're a dumbass [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i am. [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: 2+2 is 22 [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: clearly
  20. easy

    hate him..

    Don't let him fool you ;o
  21. easy

    hate him..

    oh no, silence. you're wrong
  22. easy

    hate him..

    Silence will back me up..
  23. easy

    hate him..

    @@orangejuice [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: ez u there buddy i got a question about me [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: holaa [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: am i a bad person? [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: yes [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: oh well then this just makes me worse [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i said glass of juice not gas the jews!!!≈ [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: LOL [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: YOU FAGGOT [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: oh shit [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i forgot [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: FUCK YOU [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: ur a yeah [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: FUCK YOUR COUCH [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: sry <3 [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: NIGGA [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: YOU'RE A SLUT [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i dont have a couch :( [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: CUZ YOU BLOW PEOPLE FOR A LIVING [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: GO FUCK YOURSELF [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: im sorry [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i forgot [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: NO [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: YOU'RE NOT SORRY [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: AND YOU DIDN'T FORGET [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: yes i did [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: YOU'RE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: FUCK YOU [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: i was like oh shit after i hit enter [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: :( [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: NO [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: FUCK YOU [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: <3? [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: *he said very nicely* [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: <3 [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: :) [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: faggot [xG:FM]~0R4NG3JUICE~: :( [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: :)
  24. Pussy, come to the ghetto, we'll straighten you up <3