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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. Steam Community Group Ban (team3kt3k) DDoS threatening. If you unban you WILL lose admin rights. ^^^ Reason from silence.
  2. Thanks! But I might trade it for super meat boy :l I don't know ..
  3. Wait, so have you already sent it the gift, or what?
  4. read white chat... hehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehe <-----------MASTERMIND RIGHT HERE btw, I didn't write this all out, I took it from my "Life throughout xG" thread :D
  5. Dear xG: I've been playing on the servers since february, and joined xG in late may. Ever since then, it's been like my second home, comforting me, making me feel special e.t.c. The people in this clan, are so nice. I can talk to any one of you. I've had such great times with everyone, and I love every single one of you (in a non-erotic way). You're all so nice too me, even when you put me down, out of fun<3 The people in xG There's so many people I have made friends with here: Aegean, Rosser, KingJ, Mohammed, Pyro, Unique, Xavien, DuckiiJr, Duckii, VeroJr (Hudson Jr), Duke, Herpes, Serbian, Billy, Peechis, Drank (Even though those two aren't in xG anymore), Smoker, Rexx, Cari, Trif, Ben (Mayeski), Canadia, Papi, Poncher, Penguin, Yurkoon Jr, Mick, Vero, Ero, Kenny, Otherworldly, High Plains, Hudson, Chrono, Tarin, Nivek, Arthman, Admiral Snackbar, Shake, Russian and SO much more. You've all had a special place in my heart, and that will never change. I'm glad I met all of you, and that's the truth. The troubles I had so much troubles in xG, like the first time I got banned, around april, for being in illumin. Aegean helped me so much, he told me how to get unbanned, and then helped me become a member... Then when I became a member, I was so happy, I finally had a place to go, where I was welcome, and treated properly. I felt so good to have the [xG] tag, to show off I was apart of a great clan. Then I joined xG Rebels, with aegean, and I became the best rebel out there (Waay before any of the new rebels). Every round, I'd rebel, and kill all the ct's. Later on, I started wanting to get moderator, because xG started getting more and more popular, causing more rule breakers. I tried so much to get it, e.g. Being super active on forums, TS & the servers. Then aegean came up with the moderator submission, after like 4 months of me trying to get moderator :p. I made a submission about a week after it came up, and I had so many supporters<3 I was waiting and waiting for the promo/demo, and guess what! I didn't get mod. So I waited another week, and my name wasn't up there, so I decided to talk to aegean, it was awkward, because I didn't want to seem like I was trying to bully him into giving me mod, but on the other hand, I didn't want to act like a pushover. Then aegean finally told me he'd put my name up there, and I was EXTATIC. I was finally going to get to wear the xG:M tag, and I couldn't be happier. Moderator I got moderator now, and It's great. I can finally slay people who break rules, and ban people. I still remember my first ban, it was on jailbreak, on canyondam. It was tencoderiot. For bad spray logo, and trolling. It was a 1week ban. As the time went on, moderator got harder and harder because then you weren't "The new mod, who is just getting used to it", you were the experienced mod, who shouldn't screw up. I've been going good against the trolls and rule breakers, e.t.c. I'm handling it well, atleast, I think so. And I'm so happy with all the new promos, seeing all the new mods. I especially like teaching them how to do the job. It's the best part of this. Leading others to be great, and be a role model for all the members, and even the non members. Admin I'm an admin, & it's the greatest feeling, I can use !vote to make stupid votes that cause smiles & make me laugh. It wasn't much different than moderator, and can't really say anything different.. but, thanks. :) Thanks, EZKill btw, this meens I have to leave. I don't think I'll be back.. I'm sorry :( APRIL FOOLS
  6. easy

    Cookie Princess

    You know what happens when you assume? You make an ass out of u and me. get it? ass u me? assume. LAWL. Also, it really doesn't prove it
  7. easy

    Cookie Princess

    ^That's an opinion.. lawl. Also, I'm confused. Who are you trying to get banned? In the 3rd demo, cookie isn't even bhopping/playing, she's in spec, so I'm confused on that..
  8. I wasn't calling you a dipshit, I was calling the people who were talking about your post not making any sense, when ultimately it didn't until I pointed it out to people..
  9. He's saying That trying to read that is as hard as it is to walk on your head, you dipshits..
  10. @@serbiansnaga :02.47-tranquillity: Eaton centre bbg? <3 ONLY SERBIAN, NONE OF YOU OTHER FAGS ALLOWED... 'cept aegean, cuz I wanna make fun of him..
  11. easy

    Why was I banned?

    I banned you for mass freekilling & leaving. You had your deagle, fired down a line & killed like 4-5 people & left, then came back, & that is a perm ban. If you had just stayed, you would've been perm CT banned, but you decided to leave, so I perm'd you.
  12. Were you banned for mass freekilling & leaving immediately or almost immediately after?
  13. Don't know if this would really count as solid proof, buuut Xeno Gamers - Search
  14. look at the first link I posted, it shows you said you were 17..
  15. Mathieu, so you lied on your previous app?
  16. It's only been 2 weeks since your last app... Also, i think you're pathetic, for two reasons: 1: You pretended to be a girl, just to get a rise from the people in this clan & make you popular 2: You're a troll, & never will change. -1. Go find somewhere else to pretend to be a different gender. Also, i hope all your friends (If you have any) find out you pretend to be a girl.. Also, 1000 posts nikka
  17. Ok, faggot. Don't remember me. I hate you. Jokes, I liked you, A LOT! ehehehe. You were pretty chill, & I'm gonna miss you, easy nigga :*
  18. I'm sure someone with powers would've been able to come on..
  19. Jay, it's not just that, like, I have no problem with aaron, he just has to learn to not be "dickish" towards people, when they're NOT doing anything to him. I'm still at a +1, but you do bring a valid point, jay.
  20. What I want to know is, why did NO ONE CALL A MOD OR ADMIN ON?!!?! THAT WOULD'VE SOLVED EVERYTHING!
  21. Well, since the ddos, the servers have been weird. The minigame server, I don't know how, but it seems to not be connected to our other servers using !servers, but it is in the "Ranks/Bans". It is interesting, & I have talked to silence, maybe @Aegean! could try & unban you to see if you were actually banned or it was a glitch?
  22. easy


    @@Hudson LOVES cats. lol Hey, welcome to xG, hope you have fun here, I'm an admin for CS:S :)
  23. Hey, I'm EZKill, I'm an admin for xG's CS:S division, I look forward to having a good time with your community :)